What was your very first animal friend?

Aw I really wish I'd played the older games in this series. ;_;

Welp...at least I found ACNL in time to make friends with Carmen, so I'd say she's my first animal friend IG. And we've been friends ever since. :)

(Though my first animal friend IRL was this awesome baby pigeon, who I found in the street when I was 9. She would follow me around everywhere and eat out of my hand, and I taught her to fly, so she could fly from the ground and sit on my shoulder. It was really sweet. Eventually she grew up and couldn't live with me anymore. ;;_;; Aw, I miss her.)
Either Peanut or Punchy back in Wild World.

I was so happy like right after I got off school I'd rush through my homework just so I could say hi to them uvu
Mine was Melba. She lived right next to me in my first City Folk town and she was just the cutest.
The earliest animal friends that I can remember are Bob and Tangy in the Gamecube version. They were in my first town and ever since I deleted that town about a year later and restarted a new town, I have yet to see them in any of my towns :-(
Tangy, Olivia, and Mitzi were my favourites in the Gamecube game. I spent all my time running errands for them and hanging out at their houses. I cried for hours and hours when Tangy moved!!
my first favourite that I remember was Fauna from Let's Go To The City (City Folk) on the Wii, but I'd played Wild World before that :p
Kiki was my favorite in the original AC :) in New Leaf, Tia was my first buddy!
My first AC game was Wild World, and I think I befriended either Hopper or Kabuki first. I'm certain I got Kabuki's portrait but I'm not sure if Hopper gave me his picture. I really like befriending Cranky villagers, it was fun seeing them warm up to you! I heard New Leaf toned them down and the Crankies does feel a lot nicer now... :(
Mitzi was the first villager I ever met in the Animal Crossing series, which was in ACGC, and she quickly became my favorite villager. Less than a week after I got ACGC, I bought Wild World, and she was the first villager to move into that town, and was the first villager in that game to give me a picture.
Buck <3
He's always been so good to me. Lifts me up when I'm feeling down. He's the best bro a mayor could ever ask for.
Kiki because I used to name my towns Koriko and I was so happy and amazed I got her in first town I just bothered her all the time and she became my bff.

From then on in every game and in every town I had, it didn't feel like 'mine' still I had Kiki.
Goldie and Monique! I had them both in WW, and even though I don't remember much, I know I loved them!
In ACGC, it was Rocco and Lucky. :) Rocco was a huge ******* but then I loved him and was sooo sad when he left. Lucky stayed with me though.
Peaches back in the days of the GC version. Sure, she's not the most appealing looking horse out there- I think she's upstaged by Victoria- but to me, back then, her little plus eyes were adorable. I still have a soft spot for her.
Wild World- Kid Kat and Rosie. They stayed in my land for about two years :)
City Folk- Merry. She was a starter villager and she was always nice to me :)
New Leaf- Marina and Curt. Curt... he's so adorable! And Marina has always stood out for me, being the only female octopus.
More than one game- Bunnie, Lily, and Wolfgang. Bunnie has always popped up in every AC game I've played... Creepy. Lily's been in both ACWW and ACNL, and Wolfgang... Believe it or not, he's in both of my NL and WW games right now!:p