What will the next Animal Crossing be like in the future?

I wouldn't be surprised if you end up choosing or earning the role your character has, so that you can fit the setting you're going with. Rep, Mayor, President, Citizen, King/Queen, etc.

I looove the idea sm of having like a randomly generated role in town. I just hope there's a lot more randomly town-specific things or tiny special details or day-of-the-week/month specific stuff. That's the magic of the game for me, not feeling like every day is the same but being able to expect a variety of events for the whole town to participate. ALSO more multiplayer things, I'm sure. I bet Nintendo has learned a lot from the release of this game and the controversies it's raised for the things it's been lacking alongside the awesome additions.
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I just hope villager dialogue/interactions improve because it seems like it’s taken a backseat to customization at this point. To put it simply, I think either the next mainline game will either be a very good game or a terrible game, and no in between.
Please Note this thread is just speculation and does not confirm anything of what the next AC will be like. Also any rumors will not be counted as sometimes they could be proven wrong:

The games have changed throughout the year. You went from being a Resident in a Town to being the new Mayor (New Leaf) and Resident Representative (New Horizons). So I have to wonder what role will be like in the next Animal Crossing game? My guess is that we could go back to being the Mayor again but this time instead of being in charge of a Town you're in charge of a City. You're job as Mayor is to make buildings, hire workers, build a community, and design the layout of what the city should look like. Now this sounds crazy but I think it would be really cool to have your own City. City Folk we only just visited the city so I figured maybe one day we can make our own City.
I have been thinking about this lately, and I completely agree here.

Remember when NH was revealed and the powers that be said they'd given us hints in NL as to what the next AC game would be? Desert Island Escape had us crafting on a deserted island, and now here we are.

Based on NH, and more specifically HHP, I'm pretty sure the next AC game will definitely have us giving villagers jobs...and I'm pretty confident we'll have the option to make villagers either share homes or live in some communal setting like a building or something.

What I'm also waiting on...we've been taken to our villages/towns/islands by automobile, boat, train and plane now. I'm wondering how we'll be getting to our next destination.
Maybe Rover picks you up on his motorcycle and you ride in the sidecar while he asks you questions lol
I saw someone mention above about a kingdom that would be amazing if we were a king or queen or royalty in the next game and our home was a small castle that we would have to pay tom nook to upgrade and add rooms too. Then the "island" aspect would be our kingdom where all our villagers would live :)

Or we could start from the very beginning as a commoner then build our kingdoms to have a castle and so on.

Tom nook could be the king of all kingdoms seeing as we would have to pay him all this money.
I just hope villager dialogue/interactions improve because it seems like it’s taken a backseat to customization at this point. To put it simply, I think either the next mainline game will either be a very good game or a terrible game, and no in between.
I wouldn't go that far. We don't have an inkling on what the next title will revolve around, so I'd rather wait for an announcement before making a definitive statement.

I have been thinking about this lately, and I completely agree here.

Remember when NH was revealed and the powers that be said they'd given us hints in NL as to what the next AC game would be? Desert Island Escape had us crafting on a deserted island, and now here we are.

Based on NH, and more specifically HHP, I'm pretty sure the next AC game will definitely have us giving villagers jobs...and I'm pretty confident we'll have the option to make villagers either share homes or live in some communal setting like a building or something.

What I'm also waiting on...we've been taken to our villages/towns/islands by automobile, boat, train and plane now. I'm wondering how we'll be getting to our next destination.
Maybe Rover picks you up on his motorcycle and you ride in the sidecar while he asks you questions lol
I'd rather not have the next game take place in the city. Animal Crossing's arboreal setting defines the series; it'd be fine if it was a spin-off/mobile game of the sorts, but I'm not sure if the next mainline AC should take place in urban location that isn't a town with a lot of greenery to it.

I'm also a bit conflicted on these supposedly "hints" the developers gave us in NL, because I don't recall them mentioning any hints from CF about the role the player character would take part in the following game. It just seemed as if they referenced that mini game because that was the most apt comparison. We should also realize that this was initially an amiibo Festival exclusive that was added to NL a year later.

HHP feels more of a successor to HHD, rather than a distraction that foreshadows the next game. I wouldn't mind villagers sharing homes, though.

I just hope we get to have Rover asking us questions, again (sans anything relating to our physical apperance, of course).
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My go-to answers are either VR Animal Crossing (with non-VR as an option of course) and/or an AC game where you have control over your own little planet
Looking at the villager count of past games, I am curious to know if all villagers in acnh will make it into the next game, or will some get cut for brand new villagers being added in untitled new game?
I've had an idea what the possible next game could be like.

I think it would be interesting, if we could travel to different towns (either via train or campervan) or even while travelling, you find some land and get to build it from the ground up.
From this, we get to make more lil towns, and even possibly have different themes. This will also allow us to have more villagers to work with; and we get to travel inbetween all the towns whenever we want, wether they're completely designed to your liking or not.

I feel like adding more things from Pocket camp would really benefit, because there's so many cool stuff on there, and items that villagers can interact with, which I think would be the next step in the main games.
As well as playing more games with them, and interacting with them dialogue wise. Becaise they always mention doing things together but you obvs can't. Like even a lil short scene of us doing volleyball or reading together would be really sweet.

I feel like some might think it'd be a bit dauntnig having to create so many lil towns and stuff, but the game is suppose to be slow and not done in just one day.
I see people get tired of it, if they've already made their perfect designs and layouts, and since there's not much to interact with by itself you get bored.

I feel that's why, another part of the new game, would being able to help out in more shops or with mail. Like you're not forced to, but its anothing thing you can do to help, like when we could make coffee, or even help mail letters.