That is if you have any specific idea yet. Lots of time to decide though. I’m just very excited about the possibilities. I’d love to hear what people have wanted but weren’t able to do because they’ve maxed out their slots.
I’m going to use the extra pattern slots for a “the path” since it takes up so many. I also want to get some of those shelf patterns people put on simple panels to look like a bakery or starbucks lol
I've wanted to get a Roxas Glass Stain from Kingdom Hearts on my island for so long. I have the Sora version from Kingdom Hearts and I've wanted it for so long.
probably some pathway features (i.e. more flowers, fallen leaves, etc.), a blanket, and some more signs. i've had various ideas in the past, and had to remove designs i downloaded to free up space, but i've completely forgotten pretty much all of them unfortunately. i'll just have to browse through some of the posts i liked/saved on tumblr and instagram to get a refresher.
I had my design slots full of different designs ans custom paths I used around the island since before I even knew about The Path, so I had no space for it, but now I definitely can use The Path in some more natural parts of the island and I'm super excited for that!
i'm gonna use mine for more decorations around my island, like stalls, standees, panels and stuff like that
then i'll probably just use my own flag design for the mini flag, that'll be so cute to just carry around
I change out stall, lantern, and wall art on a seasonal basis. Now I'll be able to keep them in my storage, instead of overwriting. When I want to change the patterns, I'll just copy the old pattern to a new slot then copy the new on over it. Saves on the customizing kits.
i already use a flowery version of The Path, but i think it'd be nice to have a dirt version on hand (now that 11 more slots doesn't feel like SUCH a big portion of my slots). i also want to have more gingham-y and floral patterns so i can customize more picnic areas and cushions and the like. i also saw some really pretty lace doily patterns that would be pretty placed all around the ground, so i'm so excited to try those out as well!
ultimately i'm just so excited to be able to experiment a little more now that we actually have the space for it!
I was just thinking over the weekend how it's a crime that not only do we not have a ducky umbrella, we can't even make one like in the past. So now I'm definitely looking forward to doing that!
Super excited about this! I am definitely going to add more paths and simple panel designs. I will also add more pokemon designs for my pokemon themed island. cx I was using all sorts of items to represent different pokemon because I ran out of space.^^;
more custom paths and patterns! i've been running out of space for months now, and my latest struggle has been deciding which fake rocks to delete so i can replace them with fake flower patches, lol. i'm very happy with the addition though - and it feels like they're taking note of popular QoL asks from players! next: blanca for april fools which starts a wave of all our old faves returning pls
Hard to say. I have plenty of spaces now, and can't imagine tapping into any of the other 50. Perhaps I'll make a Stitches standee, but that's about it.