What will you be using the 50 extra slots for?

i might use some for interiors and simple panel designs. also i deleted so many of my city street path pieces because they took up half my slots, i might take them back but i'm not sure.
Honestly I might never even reach the new ones. I have really cute custom clothing patterns, but I never end up wearing them since the clothing items in this game are so good. I also am not much for custom paths/ground designs, but who knows, maybe this update will change my habits!
I have a few areas, like my modern Japanese street and my ramen shop, that I had been removing some custom designs in order to work on other areas, so I'll start by bringing back the ads and ramen menu items I had removed. After that, well... sky's the limit, I'll still have plenty of slots left, I think :O
I’m glad they added extra pattern space. I will use most of it for stalls, simple panels and to customize furniture. I might use some for paths.
i'm glad, too :3 cause i was beginning to run out of room...
On my first island I ran out of space. My second island I didn’t use as many because I didn’t want to run out of space. Now it doesn’t matter and I can make a bakery on my second island.
I've just changed the exterior of my house to be a stage with amps and mics ready for new custom designs to make it actually look like it
bigger rugs, sidewalk pathing and panel designs so I can have a little town section on my natural island, stall designs, and anything innovative and fitting I see cause the community is so creative!!
I don't have any big projects planned, but I'll definitely use them to make my existing designs and areas nicer. For example, I had to pull some trickery on this blanket to save spaces (it's 1 repeating pattern, on a dirt path) and it'll be very nice to just use multiple patterns and not worry too much about stuff like that anymore.

I don't have any big projects planned, but I'll definitely use them to make my existing designs and areas nicer. For example, I had to pull some trickery on this blanket to save spaces (it's 1 repeating pattern, on a dirt path) and it'll be very nice to just use multiple patterns and not worry too much about stuff like that anymore.

that is a good idea though! the dirt path under the design...
gonna have to make a mental note of that one.
I might get "the path". I don't want to use it all over my island, but I would like to use it in a few places. I think I can justify using 9 slots for it now. :) Also, designs for panels and signs and stalls. More blankets. I can't wait to see what people do with the standees. I'm sure I'll save some spots for a couple of those. Goodness, I don't even know. I'm very excited about this!
I'm not sure, but this is a bit exciting.

I haven't really used up all my pro design slots, but I have with my regular designs. I think the extra 50 is more than I need, but because of this, it will create a lot of room to work with without stressing about running out or trying to conserve what space I do have.
A picnic rug area and some general details I've not been able to have because the custom path, standard path border, deck, and planks I have take up everything haha. I don't regret them but I'm so excited to have room.
Probably gonna use them to get some designs to decorate parts of my island, perhaps also for some outfits if I find any I like.
Nothing too much, really, as I'm not particularly super interested in more paths and whatnot but I'll check out customs designs here and there around the web and see if anything catches my eye, who knows. It's just nice to see that people are finally getting the thing they've been asking for since the beginning of time. Not everyone is all that thrilled, yeah, but the vast majority of the AC community definitely are.

Who'd have thought Nintendo would actually add more design slots? ☺ Will bulk crafting and other much needed QoL improvements be next? Hopefully so! These are the kind of things that are a genuine, pleasant surprise to us all.
I'm going to try the path for the first time! I'm so excited, I don't know which to choose. There are also so many cool wall print decorations that I've avoided to save space. I'm sure some amazing creative people will make some awesome standees too. TEE HEE so fun. :love:
Do you need some inspiration to change your pathways?
Compare these two videos...

I had just put down brick paths but still had regular dirt roads going on the outside of the brick plaza:

I put down THE PATH outside of the brick plaza:

More path videos:

So I will probably add more types of paths. XD I was really excited about them as you can see.
honestly, i don’t really have any ideas yet - there’s just so much potential now! i think that i’ll be sticking with my current path but i’ve always wanted to create a kitchen that had a table with a cookie-cutting design on it so maybe i’ll actually go ahead with that now! there’s also a few cut-out standee designs from new leaf that i’ve been dying to use so i’ll definitely be trying to make those work as well!