I always use Nick as my main character and Iggs as a secondary character, but in New Leaf I will need to use all four. I will probably have one named Plaisir and Hauska
So Rooster, will you be playing Animal Crossing with your kids or is it just that you are used to being called "Dad" now rather than "Matt"? That is cute if you are going to go with Dad. I've played Wild World with my two daughters off and on for the last 7 years - they are teenagers now! I will probably just go with my real name. It makes it seem more personal when the villagers call my character by my real name, like they really know me. LOL.
In WW i have the name Shinker, don't ask, and in CF (or lets go to the city) i have the name Meggie. I think in NL i will be just using my real name Megan, so then in years to come I won't get annoyed that I chose a stupid name and want to reset or something.
I may use my real name, but since it's pretty unique I may use Ao for online interactions. Not sure yet, so guess I'll see how I feel when it comes out =p
My very first town on the GC I used my real name (Dean) with the Hammer symbol.
Every other game and alt. towns on GC I have been Jingle. ~ weirdly started 2 weeks before my first AC Christmas.
Cherry will be my first character's name, Lema for my second character's name, Mayago for my third character's name, and Coco for my fourth character's name.
Mayor Wing... "I swear I thought you were a bird!"
Oh, I'm sorry.
-Kills whoever said that with an axe-
Have. A. Nice...
A. Very. Nice...