What would make AC better


Senior Member
Nov 30, 2008
1.) Snowball fights

2.) Able to live in the city

3.) NO FC

4.) Having an actual job, if you want to

5.) Able to play sports

6.) Creating your town at the beginig
Jingle said:
1.) Snowball fights

2.) Able to live in the city

3.) NO FC

4.) Having an actual job, if you want to

5.) Able to play sports

6.) Creating your town at the beginig
Great ideas.

I wish they would of made like an apartment complex in a separate part of the city.
How about, more people can come to a town at a time? Up to 10 people should be able to come to your town, and when you open your gates, Copper would ask you how many people can come to your town. This way, you can either have only 1 other person come, or have 9 other people come!!!!
bdubs2594 said:
How about, more people can come to a town at a time? Up to 10 people should be able to come to your town, and when you open your gates, Copper would ask you how many people can come to your town. This way, you can either have only 1 other person come, or have 9 other people come!!!!
Totally Agreed And They Should Let Us Go To The City On WiFi
>more people able to live in your town
>at begining, choice of maps
>abilty to choose different extentions e.g conservetory
>completly cusomisable save room
yea no friend codes is great you should just be able to walk inside the persons town with permission.
goin on vacations and at the vacation places you can get rare items more easily... and there are different fossils in different rejons, that you could travle to... and a mountain in your town it would be cool! oh and more house expansions... sledding, swimming,hmmmm, wearing two masks at once cause i have a kings beard and a clown nose and i am dressing up as santa so it would be cool if you could have both ya know???? and i will think of some later
Jingle said:
have a person living in a friends town over wifi
that would be really hard to do but awsome!! oh and a festival in the summer which is like music day or something and there is a giant concert with kk and a bunch of his family, and other people that all do music that would be so coool! if you could make bands! in it would be cool too! if you could climb trees that would be fun!!! and if you could airsoft/paintball... so coooooool! oh if you could have pets! yaaa thats it for now :santagyroid:
I know what they should have done to make this game better, they should have added new music. I was very dissapointed when I heard the same old Wild World music. I hope Nintendo isn't as lazy when they make the next Animal Crossing game.