• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

What would you add to make it better

New leaf 180

Senior Member
Jan 12, 2013
Throwback Tickets
Winter Mittens
I would add the mailing over Internet because I like idea from the last game for the wii. I wish they would keep for all the games with wifi connection
A more interactive system.
Players could make coffee with the coffee machine reward from Brewster, and sip it on the couch.
Players could make gestures and a wider range of emotions, like hugging.

Some features from the movie
Like the cave, or the stalls, and even a day when K.K. Slider played near the Town Tree or something.

Just a few minor ideas, there could be loads more!
I would put a TV in the game that is four spaces wide.
That would be amazing to have in a house. :D

I would also allow it so that people can store up to 100 items in drawers, dressers and closets.
You never know how much storage you will need.
I would also allow it so that people can store up to 100 items in drawers, dressers and closets.
You never know how much storage you will need.
But you can store 180 items.... I'm confused lol

The only things I would add are rainbow roses. They're so lovely. And I would bring back the basketball, soccerball from the GC games. I love how the animals would stop what they are doing just to chase that wonderful ball haha
I would also add some more fish and bugs, some more marine suit patterns and more hairstyles. Like long hair that is actually long lol
But you can store 180 items.... I'm confused lol

The only things I would add are rainbow roses. They're so lovely. And I would bring back the basketball, soccerball from the GC games. I love how the animals would stop what they are doing just to chase that wonderful ball haha
I would also add some more fish and bugs, some more marine suit patterns and more hairstyles. Like long hair that is actually long lol

I would love the balls back, I would even pay for it if it were to be a community project.
I've got some more!

More grass styles, for example: hearts or semi circles
More fruit and flowers.
More house styles, even for neighbours.
More community projects
A bigger town
More tree styles, as we only have 2. (Cedar and normal)
-I miss being able to kick the balls around like in the Game Cube, too.
-Can we ask villagers for tasks in New Leaf? If not, I want to be able to do that again.
-I know it'll never happen now that the Virtual Console stuff exists, but I always loved the NES furniture items that allowed you to play games.
-I want more animal themed hats!
-I'd like the NPCs to do more than just spout random dialogue based upon where they work. I wish there was an 'chat' option when you talked to them so you could become better friends with them and see their personalities evolve over the course of playing the game. Kind of like how you befriend Sable. Maybe befriending certain characters would allow them to give you special items or discounts at their shop. You could also learn more about them.
-Places to travel to to find rare fish/insects/items. Like the cave. You could go there and find special gemstones or fossils. And you could visit a big forest to find rare flowers and insects. Stuff like that.
-Different clothing models. Sure there are different sleeves now but I'd like dresses that puff out or have different hemlines. That'd be really cool.
-Allow us to actually decide what our character looks like. Could be like, we choose what we look like, then it pans back to show we were seeing our reflection in the window of the train, and then Rover can gab to us and all that.
-Let us date the animals. *throws up shields* Hey, Magician's Quest did it in a way that was cute and it didn't feel weird to me at all!
Yeah... Nintendo wouldn't willingly implement the option of beastiality in their games. XD and since MQ was made by Konami, it doesn't count.
Because if Nintendo were to let you have a relationship with an animal, they would come to eventually expect dates, kisses, marriage and babies. And I don't want to be that parent one day that has their kid come up and go "mommy, the dog from my game won't marry and have babies with my character!"
Because if Nintendo were to let you have a relationship with an animal, they would come to eventually expect dates, kisses, marriage and babies.
Uhm, no. Not really. Magician's quest didn't have dates, kisses, marriage, and babies. Barely anything changed with the characters you 'dated' besides a casual mention of 'you're my boyfriend/girlfriend'! Besides, the 'best friends' system was literally the exact same thing pretty much. Just because a character is dating someone doesn't mean they're going to need to implement woohoo and making little ones. This aint harvest moon or the sims.

And I don't want to be that parent one day that has their kid come up and go "mommy, the dog from my game won't marry and have babies with my character!"
And? That wouldn't phase me in the slightest. It's a game, for crying out loud, it's not real life. And the animals aren't four legged, kibble eating critters that don't know a sandbox from where they normally do their business. They're pretty much humans with animal features. e_e And again, just because you're dating a character in game doesn't mean that there's going to be weddings and baby-making.
-Balls from the GC version would be a nice return
-A cave would be cool
-The ability to see what things look like under water while diving
-The ability to send mail through the internet. Don't really understand why they got rid of that feature unless there were complaints about getting nasty mail from people or something... in which case I feel like there should be a way to block things like that by simply removing the person from your friends list... wouldn't be that hard, would it :I?
-Different types of drops from trees, like pine cones or acorns, that don't necessarily appear on the trees like fruits
-Diving suits that can be customized
-Variety of starting skin tones
-For higher hairstyles to become lower hairstyles when wearing a hat instead of hiding the top part of the style under the hat (such as a high ponytail or bun becoming a low ponytail or bun with the hat on)
-Animal ear headbands
-More hoods (like the red riding hood thing they have now)

And that's all I've got at the moment :3
Pelshko brought this up when visiting my town yesterday: The ability to visit dream towns with friends.

I hadn't even thought of that, it would be really fun.
Also, I would like to be able to choose my face in a MySims style and choose from the different eyes/hair/skin colour in the mirror.
You're completely missing my point, if you want to date an animal, that's all on you. People will base it on morality. The same way parents complained about the prior AC games because they're kids got called "stupid" or "dunderpate" or got yelled at by other animals, The same way they over reacted with words, parents (not all) will most definitely lash back at letting their child date an animal, even in "a game" as you put it. Little kids are actually very impressionable, if you haven't noticed. And the way the media is blowing things out of proportion, Nintendo would not take such a huge risk and be called "supporters of immoral behavior" just because they had decided to implement beastiality.
Of course this isn't harvest moon or the sims. Never said it was. I commented on what you had said about dating annals. It may not phase you because you probably aren't a parent, but I could tell you this, it was awkward enough when my fiance's little sister got caught up in that "shipping" stuff with characters (humans) she would make up dating humanoid animals. The beastiality conversation is not a pleasant one. And as uncomfortable as I felt, I'm sure other parents would feel the same way, which would bring me back to the point I made in the beginning.
I really don't know any parents who would flip out that badly over something so innocent. I don't even understand WHY they would flip out in the first place. Kids are a heck of a lot smarter than you're apparently giving them credit for. They're smart enough to tell the difference between humanoid animals and their pet dog and I'm pretty freaking sure they're not going to develop bestiality issues over something like that or whatever it is those parents would be scared of.

I don't know why you'd be uncomfortable with that conversation. There's a really big difference between video games and the real world. And I really wish people like you would stop saying things like "well you're obviously not a parent." The way a person acts towards things of THIS nature is likely not going to change after a female member of their relationship pops out a baby. No, I'm not a parent. But you know what? I have 4 cousins all under the age of 8 that I see every month or so. And really it would not phase me at all to say "well in real life animals and people wouldn't date." Because it's kind of common sense. In fact, I wouldn't actually have to have such a conversation because I'm pretty sure they're all smart enough to figure that out on their own.

Just because Konami made Magician's Quest doesn't make it exempt from this topic of discussion. Nintendo still slapped it's seal of approval on it and allowed it to be made for their systems. Parents who throw this big a hissy fit over something so little probably wont give a rat's patoot over the fact that it's not a main Nintendo franchise.

It's not a huge risk for Nintendo to put it in. The parents with the self-viewed higher moral ground who protect their kids from what they, in a stretch of observation, view as bestiality are a very small majority. And merely a loud one at that. Just like those people who thought Tortimer was some pedophile playing the game online to get to children. That pretty much fizzled into non existence right after it sprouted up because everyone else just rolled their eyes and continued playing their games.

Honestly, I'd figure cross dressing will get the same amount of attention from a lot of the same people.
1) Voice chat!
2) Being able to form different types of relationships with the animals (friend, best friend, enemy, etc), and on a deeper level.

Dunno' what else...
You may not know them, but they ARE out there. Just like a 5 year old was forced to take therapy and classes because she "shot" her other 5 year old friend with a bubble blower. Same for a child (6 years old) who was suspended for doing a finger gun, which we all knew to do if playing cowboys and cowgirls. That's something innocent, but society has made it so these kids are deemed as "doing terrorist actions"
Are you sure about that? If people, kids included, actually "knew the freaking difference" between the two as you say, there would not be beastiality in the first place, there wouldn't even be a word for it.

You don't understand because its an action you obviously have some support for. Relationship wise, I'm saying, so don't take this the wrong way or try to twist it into some way. Yeah, you can wish it, but it really won't stop me from saying it. See? That's what I'm talking about "people and animals shouldn't date" is nowhere near to the actual conversation it would lead to. Then would come the "why's" and all the details that are included there. I was unfortunately there for that conversation. Which was way more in depth and worse than "don't date animals"

It actually is a huge risk. And the "minority" you mean, is actually a big part of it. A lot of kids can't buy games on their own, they have to get their parents to buy it because they don't have money or a job for themselves since they're young. If a parent sees a game that they find unsuitable for their kids, unfortunately, they also decide to generalize all other games by that developer as the same. And cross dressing did pull the same reaction. Which is why Gracie was changed from being a drag queen man, to a female. Sadly, I see the same happening to Julie the male unicorn.
2) Being able to form different types of relationships with the animals (friend, best friend, enemy, etc), and on a deeper level.

I believe this is already possible. You can be best friends with someone if you always help them, talk to them, invite them over to your home.
You can be enemies with someone if you hit them with your net, trap them with pitfalls, push them, and rarely talk to them.

I don't know what you mean by a deeper level, though. If you mean more interactive, then I guess that's a good idea!