What would you be doing with your life if money/time weren’t an issue?

If I had a TON of money, I?d dump a bunch into the rescue I work for so I wouldn?t have to do all the physical labor and just work on fundraising and grants. I?d pursue all of my creative outlets I?ve had to give up due to no time. If I just had enough money to where I didn?t have to worry about bills and all the such, I?d probably invest in learning how to do makeup and better wardrobes
I'd be traveling the world and doing a bunch of research. My only job would be to write, write, and write some more.
I would probably be writing/directing/producing my own theater productions!! It's one hell of an expensive business but I'd love to see my own ideas being realized on stage! I also would want to get a nice place for myself & get decorating, and care for as many pets as I can!
I would visit the other Dinsey Parks, learn both Spanish and Japanese (well I do know BASIC Spanish) write, draw, play more videogames, travel, have some unique pets like goats and sheep, and live peacefully on my private land where my pets are free to roam.
This is an interesting topic. If I didn't have to worry about money, I definitely wouldn't be working, which would give me plenty of time to do the things I'd rather be doing. I'd be spending most of my time reading and writing and possibly pursuing other creative pursuits.

I would like to add that I would move to Australia and learn how to scuba dive. I would also work on environmental and animal conservation efforts (especially related to the ocean and sharks, but if time were no obstacle, I wouldn't have to limit myself to just those).
Probably traveling the world and tasting all sorts of foods and buying all sorts of souvenirs. :)
i would slow down my pace for my studies and work. im still okay with learning, but at least the pressure to do well/be the best wont be as prominent since money is no longer an issue.
when thats done i'd spend far more time on the people i care about. maybe spend a bit more time on myself too? just focus more on my passions/interests, and hopefully do something with that instead
I actually enjoy working to keep myself busy, but I'd only work when I feel like it
I'll probably buy all the clothes, food, and whatever I want to get but never do because I'm really stingy with spending money and don't buy anything unless I absolutely need it. It took me 2 weeks of debating whether to replace my broken earphones even though I use them every day lol.

I'll take classes for things I'm interested in learning like instrument and art.
I'll also go to concerts of my favourite artists and travel more! I've never been to any countries besides the ones I lived in.
Oh boy. I'd be moved out with my boyfriend already and probably getting married soon.

I'd be able to do a LOT more cosplay than I can currently?I honestly don't think anyone realizes how expensive it is until they're really doing it. And it's insanely time-consuming, although very fun to work on for me personally.

I'd travel. I've never been out of my home country (US) or even out of my own time zone. It's just so expensive.

There's probably much more but those are the top three that come to mind.

(And I'd drop out of school because if money isn't an issue that means I don't have to work, right?!)
I would spend my time travelling to different countries and getting around the world experiencing different cultures and having nice memories.
Also, I would spend much time trying out new hobbies like cooking and photography.
And I would wear alternative clothing which I can't afford at the moment ^^'
Finally, I would volunteer in another country and help the environment or the people :D
I would buy so many video games to keep myself occupied.
Probably a new phone since my current one is beginning to break and not work.
Definitely redo my room and wardrobe-- I have so many clothes that I'd love to giveaway, but I know if i give them all away now then I won't have any clothes to wear. And my room is a complete mess and I'd love to get it in order so I can buy a smaller bed and get a desk I can work at.
Feel like a lot of people would say to travel the world, but I would honestly do the same. You would learn so much with the many different cultures out there and it would be so interesting to meet new people and would help to settle the anxiety.

I would also eat a fat ton of food

- - - Post Merge - - -

I'll be sleeping for the majority of my life. Why work when I can sleep!!!

Nice to catch up on all the sleep I didn't have, lol
I would go on to explore every inch of the city I live in. There are decent places to go to and have a change of scenery. With money not being an issue, I would go to whatever F1 Grand Prix I want.