What would you be doing with your life if money/time weren’t an issue?

I'd go to Supernatural and Doctor Who conventions every weekend!
plant all the rose bushes, paint a lot of objects, get loads of plants, idk just a lot of stuff lol
Honestly I’d adopt ALL the dogs and then buy a big plot of land and build a nice big home for them where they could play and be happy
I'd be living up north on a lake with nobody around. :)
If i had unlimited money: I'd convert my entire house into a print studio with multiple printmaking facilities available. I'd have HUGE beautiful wooden press and amazing large tables all to myself... and just make a ton of stuff I want to make like incredibly intricate prints and etchings. I feel like if I was younger I would have said "travel everywhere imaginable" but now that I'm older I just want to be able to stay grounded and comfortable somewhere. I literally have no desire to leave my house anymore lol.

^Also all that sounds awesome actually but I kinda also just wanna game all day too lol.
Buy a whole bunch of anime paraphernalia and meet my favorite artist/writers
Well :) ... I am not a materialistic person but I am. I would probably go on so many shopping trips / sprees. And just buy everything that I?ve always wanted travel the world, eat super expensive things, take risks ( I have nothing to lose )
Definitely go live in Massachusetts with my boyfriend and buy a looot of anime stuff. Maybe even travel to Japan and Russia, OH! And Germany. I'd love to travel the whole WORLD one day! I'd probably go to Disney World or Land one day, too! :3​
Hmm.... I am quite happy with the life I have now but the time thing makes me happy! I have so many things that I never have time to do all day! I would probably spend more time outside enjoying the sun and my garden, I would paint more pictures, call everyone I know, and make a lot of things! I wish I could spend all day baking different deserts but I always have the following problems: I make one thing and dont have enough ingredients for more, I am not going to a place to sell my stuff for a few months so I have to wait, or I choose to make one thing. I think its actually better though, I think it makes it more fun when I actually do get to make a lot of things! Even just making one item is so much fun for me and everyone loves it!!!! My life is very happy but I do not think I would change too much with unlimited time and money!
I would buy a house in Kyushu and Anchorage, Alaska. Then I’d spend the vast majority of my time flying to different countries. When I’d get tired of traveling I would spend some time at either house.
Helping people. To be fair, I already try to help people daily by making them smile with my streams and in general try to be a positive person to be around, but I always want to do more. Sometimes a smile being put on someones face isn't even close to the best thing I could be doing, and if I could help in a more impactful way: getting them food, a place to stay, a real friend, etc... that'd make me feel complete.

For a less cheesy and very cliche answer, I'd travel! Japan, Australia, and France are places I've always wanted to go.
If money and time weren’t an issue, it wouldn’t be necessary to work. I probably would own a lot of guitar gear (I already do, I spend all of my money on that, lol). I would practice and play the guitar pretty much all day. Performing in front of an audience would be awesome, too. I wouldn’t want to become famous, though. When not playing the guitar, I‘d play video games. And travel to different places. I’ve always dreamt of a cruise to America.
This is such a great question and I love reading what others have said!


- Go on so many luxury, scenic train rides
- Buy a place in the US and a place here in Australia
- Maybe buy/start an art supply store. I really like art supplies
- Learn to do fancy moves in roller skates
- Learn another language
- Probably travel to Japan, Switzerland, etc.
- Donate a lot to animal shelters, climate change research, anti-poaching forces, etc.
- Probably volunteer a lot at a local animal shelter as well
- Maybe take a whack at video game design
loooots of traveling and social events. i'd love to tour all the major continents (bar antarctica) and i'd love to attend more tea parties and local EGL events.
i... honestly have no idea lol. there’s so much that i want to do or that i think i’d be able to do if i had more money that it’s hard to verbalize everything. 😅 i don’t know if more time would mean there being more than 24 hours in a day or me having a longer lifespan or something, but the more money part would especially be beneficial for me. my parents and i aren’t living in poverty and are much more fortunate than so many others out there, but our financial situation definitely... isn’t great. we’ve recently come into some money which is amazing and i am so, so grateful for it, but we’re still not rich and we still have to be careful.

if i had more money, the first thing i would do is try to find a place to live. there’s a lot i need to do and learn before i’ll be able to move out and live independently, but just knowing that i have the finances to do it whenever i’m ready alone would make me feel so much better and less trapped. i’d just like to live in an apartment that doesn’t have mice or the occasional ant or cockroach crawling in, neighbours that are constantly setting fires and breaking rules, or my parents constantly yelling and crying and having emotional/mental breakdowns in it. my parents are negative, unpredictably ill-tempered, unstable (especially my mom 🙃) people, and my mom’s temper and almost daily breakdowns and yelling fits make me feel unsafe and uncomfortable in my own home, so... definitely would move if i could lol. i’d also make sure that my new apartment allows cats so that my kitten could come with me, and i’d buy new furniture for my apartment as well.

i’d also drop out of high school immediately. i may wind up doing that regardless, but i’d feel a lot more secure if i had a bit more money to fall back on. i’m currently looking for work and will most definitely be pursuing my GED if i drop out, but it’s still a big decision. i’m so close to being done, but still too far and i’m just... so miserable. and i’m not even doing it for me.

i’d finally legally change my name to xara (i plan on doing this soon anyways), get a passport, and fly to las vegas. one of my closest online friends lives there, and i wanna meet them so bad. they taught me what a healthy friendship should look like, and i love them so much. they’ve been with me through some tough ****, and i think meeting them would be... awkward, knowing us lmao, but also amazing and a surreal experience. we’ve even talked about maybe potentially being roommates one day. i’d also love to fly to some of my other online friends and meet them as well (if they’re down, ofc). <33

i would no longer have to worry about the financial strain of taking my kitten to the vets, paying for things such as my phone and streaming services, etc. i’d also finally buy myself a new phone, as well as probably spend way too much money on things like squishmallows, animal crossing amiibo cards, etc (as if i don’t already do that). 🤣