What would you charge for this service?


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2015
Pear (Fruit)
I'm looking to reset my main town and switch the majority of my items over to my second town. Since I only have the one system, I need a middle man to hold the items for me. Since it's a LOT of items, plus bells, I'll need someone with a lot of empty space and patience (it will take several trips going each way).

So obviously I'll be looking to hire someone, I just don't know what to offer. Any thoughts?
Honestly, your best bet would be to search in the Train Station board for similar services and charge similar to that, because prices can vary greatly from person to person.
Yeah, that's sort of a certainty with this forum I guess. One day someone will give away something for free that the next day someone's buying for 10mil, haha. I'm thinking it might be best to split the whole move up between days/people, since it's easier to offer a fair amount to move one lockerful of stuff than, say, twelve.