Okay, I have a long, long list of things I've wanted in the series from the beginning
-Bigger town.
-Free camera control, I really don't like the fixed camera, and rolling log effect.
-Chose what direction you want to place houses and pwp's (8 directions or something)
-Grass that looks like grass and not a green pattern on the ground, maybe even have it grow over time, can be cut with sheers or something.
-Having a town theme, such as Classic, Sc-Fi, fairytale, Zen ect, these could change things like the way the shops look, what the train looks like (I miss the old steam train lol) plus what animals houses look like and what pwp's are suggested, also being able to change themes at anytime, or mix and match themes after a while.
-As well as pwp projects, having outdoor furniture, like picnic blankets, beach towels or garden chairs, that can be placed like normal furniture.
-Paths that can be bought and placed like patterns, but can't be broken without a tool such as a hammer, this could replace the dreaded animal tracks.
-Ability to choose where Animals live, also instead of a mainstreet, being able to place shops anywhere as well, and too move them if you don't like the placement
-More pwp and an increased limit, plus more fun pwp's like a pier or fair ground rides.
-More dialogue, the animals keep on repeating themselves in New Leaf, it's annoying...
-The city returning as some kind of online hub, perhaps like a combination of AC-Plaza and Club Tortimer, with a trading post, the dream suit, and some other online orientated things.
-send letters to over towns, this would make trading with random people online much easier, and safer.
-More holidays, all worldwide holidays, regardless if there celebrated in that country or not, plus more of the fun ones from wild world like yay day and the flea market, also, guy fawkes day, because, more fireworks=more fun
-More things to collect, and more storage, AC is pretty much an item collection game anyway
-and finally no loading times when going in houses, and being able to see out the windows of the houses
I have much more, but I'll be here all moth going on about what I want too see