What would you say to your younger self from 10 years ago?

Catch up on all the old anime I need to watch. Also practice early and stop being an idiot!!
*****, stop being so emotional and caring about what people think about you. Also, deep breaths work.
why did you turn out this way...
A lot of stuff I wouldn't change because it helped make me who I am and opened up possibilities that might have not otherwise happened. However, I would tell my past self to take better care of myself, because now I'm paying for my past negligence. I'd also encourage myself to transition earlier.
I'll tell 'her' romancing or affairs are nice but it's a crap. that she'd seriously better try save up than pouring her energy and time into love affairs so she'll be able to save the ones when she wants to protect them. Alright? Are you listening, Yuki? It's not too late. Try hard.
Would tell her not to expect that the rest of her life would turn out all happy. ;v;
Don't worry it all works out fine, and cut your hair you look stupid and greasy