What you love and what you hate about it.

What I'm reading so far, I agree with all of the pros and cons. I didn't unlock the items I'm not that far in the game but it gets boring after a bit...I only play HHD when I just want a quick break from homework and I do like it that I can do only one house per day (but that's just me) The only thing I don't like it's the packs are 6$. I'm a huge collector but damn, that's pretty expensive. Maybe it's because you can scan but I don't know. A little bit pricey. In my opinion, Happy Home Designer is great. It's only for designing homes what else do you expect? Lol. I didn't expect anything great expect the fact I get to design homes in a whole different way. Also keep in mind the target audience is for kids so don't be upset when the animals don't get upset if you mess up on their design.
It's not really intended for kids actually but it's kid-friendly though I don't really see why a school kid would be too traumatized if a villager got upset over something.
In Japan, LOADS of adults play Animal Crossing. It's completely normal to see people in their 40's and 50's playing it and I'm pretty sure Nintendo are aware of this. But yes, it's intended to be an innocent fun little game.
Well at least it's not Tomodachi Life kid-friendly *cough* *cough*

Also yeah I agree about the card packs, 3 for that price is money grab dot com. I mean why make it less for us? o_O

And I looooove designing the facilites, wish the hospital had more outdoor themed items to it though x) I would have loved to make like a M*A*S*H unit or something. And the restaurant/cafe/food room are the best tbh!
Yeah the fact that everything's confined into "working days" can be such a pain. So I just finished a house, the game saves, and now I have to return to my desk and save again? Ugh.

I agree. This is the most annoying part about HHD for me.
I don't think the "working days" would be as bad if you weren't always reminded about it or if you at least had a few more options besides visiting buildings or homes after work hours.
I don't think the "working days" would be as bad if you weren't always reminded about it or if you at least had a few more options besides visiting buildings or homes after work hours.

eh tbh i don't care. i mean you can always continue playing afterwards..
Another thing I don't like is that you can only use each amiibo card for one facility; if you use the card again in a different facility, the villager will be replaced by someone else. There are some amiibo cards that I would like to use to have the villager in more than one building.
i like it but the only thing i dont like is about the saving after 1 house... y not 2? or endless until you have to log off for the night... (like ACNL) I just finished Marshal's house and im pretty proud
I also don't like how if you put a villager in some different clothes at their house; at the facilities (not sure if it does the same thing at someone else's house), they revert back to those clothes (hats included) after you leave the place and start another day, rather than keep the clothes you change them into at the facility.
I love that once you have the certain items from buildijg a house for someone, you have the record of it and can use it again but what I don't like is how you have to/must finish the house and can't save in between xD
What I like:
  • No need to check the game every day, no hassle! This makes the game very relaxing to me.
  • I am finally free from the concept of Bells.
  • I can reset the game whenever I want and close the game without saving from my work desk without the fear of Resetti popping up and nagging at me.
  • I can finally spend some time with my favorite villagers once they showed up and I built their houses. There's no pressure to give them gifts and check them out every day because they won't leave you in this game.
  • It gives a sense of nostalgia to me. It's nice to see some of my old villagers from my old town or the villagers that recently moved away from my town again without the long cycling.
  • The easy way to design houses! Using the touch screen to arrange furniture besides switching the lights on/off is so convenient. The half-spacing is also nice.
  • Ceiling decorations and decorating exteriors!
  • The bigger space for custom designs is satisfying.
  • I can remove windows. Finally having a forest wall or a skyscraper wall won't look so awkward in a house.
  • Dressing up the villagers! I made Zell wear a bellhop uniform to match his house theme, and he's frigging cute ♥
  • The villagers requesting a certain theme adds uniqueness to their character, whether the theme they requested is ridiculous or appropriate. It's rich in headcanon content.
  • The facilities are quite cute. It's nice to see the villagers work, study, or drool over cash registers.
What I don't like:
  • Amiibo cards. I think they're nice, but I'm just a bit upset because Amiibo Cards are not on sale in my country yet and the NFC Reader is quite (no, very) expensive. I won't complain at all if I can summon villagers on houses and facilities without the help of those things.
  • The character limit when you try to create your own title for a house/facility. They write long stuff like "I'll leave it up to you!" and "A self-indulgent picnic spot", but I can't type "Blue Bunny House" because it's too long for them? I wish the villagers keep the title/theme they have even if I edited their houses.
  • The item limit is disappointing. I wish when the houses went bigger, the more items I can place. I can't place more furniture because I placed "too many" paths.
  • I have to edit villagers' houses again just to make their houses expand.
  • I'm slightly annoyed with saving the game again after saving just to continue with the game.
  • I wish some of the small mats are actually small. And the game lacks some of the interesting PWPs in New Leaf that I can use as an exterior decoration. I want my arches.
  • There's no story. But that's alright, I think the villager personalities are more interesting in this game than in New Leaf. I'm beginning to love uchis more and I'm glad that snooty villagers are getting mean again.
  • Nintendo Zone-exclusive DLCs. I find the idea of Nintendo Zone to be very annoying and unnecessary, tbh.

So far, I'm having a ball in this game! It's very good for a spin-off game. Reminds me of The Sims, only cuter.
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I agree with so many points listed already! :D

I definitely don't like how you can't save in-between, or that you have to go back to the desk to be able to close the software (or am I not doing it right?).

I love that it's easier to take pictures with villagers. Well, it's easier than taking it in acnl where you have to be quick with the camera or they'll walk away. Whenever I encounter animals in my town in HHD they stay still a lot longer. And it's so cute how you can see them interacting with your town, like eating ice-cream or holding shopping bags!

I don't like how the dialogue's generic and repetitive after a while, but the dialogue when you first approach them or call them up on the amiibo phone is excellent! They really highlight the villagers' personalities.
Love it for the relaxation factor. The revamped system in placing furniture is fantastic and the opportunity to finally create dream rooms without months of praying for exact items is beautiful and overdue.

Don't like the lack of unique dialogue. Like almost everyone else who purchased this game, I wish there was a proper rating system to feel rewarded and confident in what you do. Even if it just went by factors like getting more points for more items of a similar color and docking points for tabletop items on the ground or too few or too many items. Things like that.

That said, I wouldn't wanna be bothered with having all of one set in a certain room because that would take a dump on my creative wings. I'd prefer how the game is over how the Happy Room Academy worked in the first game. It's just impossible to feel rewarded.
love -
[x] i love the creativity you can put into designs, especially the idea of the exterior and the land around.
[x] the food items and clutter ; i love food and i try to use the clutter and food items whenever i can since they're so cute
[x] i love being able to capture the essence of a villager in a room

hate -
[x] the lack of interaction with villagers - to me, this is what animal crossing is all about so not being able to develop friendships with villagers - or clients - kinda sucks
[x] repetitive ; i find the game extremely repetitive and it's almost the same old.
My favorite things about it:
The arrangement of furniture is so much more intuitive, I often find myself accidentally trying to drag furniture on the touch screen in New Leaf :p
-I get to interact (superficially) with many different villagers that I wouldn't necessarily encounter in New Leaf
-It's a very relaxing game for me!

Ways it could be better
-Interaction with other players
-Would be really neat if it was somehow integrated with New Leaf although I totally understand why they would want to keep it separate

I haven't played it for too long (only a house or two at a time) so maybe I'm missing some things as I might not have delved into it enough.
Interesting people bring up the interaction with villagers and such, that was never a problem for me here cause the game is not for that, then one can play NL really :p I think they changed the personalities quite a bit, or it's just my vivid brain lol. There a lot of villagers I hated in NL but now I can somewhat stand them good.
eh tbh i don't care. i mean you can always continue playing afterwards..

true and plus if your Miiverse starts being a jerk and freezes up when you finish a post (like it did yesterday when i was playing ACNL) you wont have to worry about loosing your data...
I dislike the repetitiveness of themes. Although I love doing restaurants/cafes do we really need 3+ of them on Main Street? Not even including all the villagers that ask for them.
And one time I had two villagers on my main street at the same time that both wanted a soccer theme.
I get that it's kind of hard to come up with a different theme for every villager but come on. It doesn't need to be that repetitive.

I like how they fixed up the personalities. The snooties are much more snooty in this game than they were in NL.
I wouldn't say hate, but really I wish they had more themes to rooms sometimes.. Like yeah it's not fun doing 25 schools/music rooms/outdoor **** after another.. come on.
What I like about it:
-All the food items! I loved collecting food items in ACNL, and it satisfies me that there's more in this game
-The fact that you can put items in between spaces, instead of being limited to one square space.
-The villager interaction with the town-how you see them with food, hankies, shopping bags, etc.
-You can give the villagers bigger houses! They no longer have to live in cramped spaces.
-The little things you can get out of the villagers, some of the things they say actually fit their personality, and sometimes are funny.

What I don't like:
-Where's your house? If it's a game about designing houses, why not have your own to design?
-You can't save in between, why not give the ability to start your project then save the rest for later?
-Why can't you do more than one request per work day?

All in all, this game is actually quite charming and enjoyable for the most part. :)
I love designing shops and homes for my favorite villagers and then taking screenshots of them in different scenarios/outfits. It allows me to do things I can't do or see in New Leaf. This is incredibly valuable to me.