Pokémon What you usually do in Sun and Moon?


Mar 30, 2015
I personally always use Pokemon Refresh and Festival plaza even through i hate SM online lol

Sometimes i also try finding shinies and breeding stuff , most of the time i fail but i still try it :')

What do you do on Sun and Moon?
I try to breed shinies but it never goes well. sigh...

I wish they had a contest hall in this game. I used to love those.
I like to breed rarer Pokemon, like Goomy and Gible, and send them to people through Wonder Trade. I've gotten some good stuff, and I even managed to hatch a shiny Goomy. When I'm not breeding Pokemon and trading them, I'm raising them.
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shiny hunting/ breeding for shiny pokemon :3 and sometimes WT and Battle spot too.
I breed them and train them to their top percentage! I trade a lot too, especially for those with good, sexy apricorn balls.
Lately, I've been breeding pokemon or just trying to fill the pokedex early on. I've also been playing in Festival Plaza often to raise my festival rank and get free items from my lotteries.
I usually breed for shiny but rn i am trying to fill my dex so i can make things easier. only 50% more to go. woopdeedoo... :|
I'm only on the second island right now. My biggest concern is trying to get my Pichu to evolve.
After doing my daily things like the lottery I usually shiny hunt. I'm trying to get as many new shinies as I can. 8)
Battle, Battle, and more battles. I'm not done my run through of Pokemon: Moon yet so training is a major part in what I do right now.

Especially when you like fire type Pokemon and Olivia, the rock type Kahuna, makes you train up a Machop to win.
Try to catch em' all. Haha. And then I train Pok?mon and stuff. To fight my friend, at some point. Just making different teams.
The same thing I do in every Pokemon game after completing the main story: breed new team members for whatever next game comes out and/or hunt for shinies using the Masuda Method.
Trying to get all the pokemon on each island, got all of the pokemon on the first island and only missing a few from the second, also making progress through the game, training my pokemon as well.
Mostly IV breeding, and sometimes battle spot if I'm especially bored. Battle royal is quite entertaining, though.
Since I've finished the major game stuff, mostly:
1. Breeding for shinies
2. Doing the Pyukumuku-chucking
3. Trading good Pokemon for legendaries and then trading those legendaries for better legendaries
4. Wonder Trading the leftovers from my shiny breeding