What's Are Your Best Puns?

There was one time in school when I made a great pun. My friend was trying to prank me with a pen with no ink in it. I was looking for mine so he tried to prank me by saying "Why don't you borrow mine?" I knew it was a prank so I told him and he was mad that I didn't fall for it. Do you know what I said? It serves you WRITE!!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

i suck.
I love puns! Here are some I have in my mind lmao

A girl asked me if her drawing is aesthetic or not, I said "yeah the girl in your drawing is ass-that-thicc"

I had a beetroot in my hand, guess what? I dropped the beat! *Beat drop plays*

I saw free ice-cream... I-screamed!!

Someone asked me "is vine dead?" I said "I don't like wine so they're pretty much dead for me"

The guy in my school threw the wrapper on the ground. Well I guess I have to wrap it up *throws the wrapper in dustbin*

That's all for today! Have a punderful day! *Applause* (I'm sorry xD)
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I love puns

One time I was driving behind this small ute and one of my siblings pointed it out and I just said under my breath 'guess you could say it's... minute' … Sadly my mum who was in the car sneezed at the same time so no one heard me XD.

Another time I got my friends phone number and they didn't know I had it so I decided to prank them. Once a day, for about 5 days I sent them a little story showered in puns and they all joined up. It can't post it but it was pretty funny when they figured out it was me XDDD
One time in school there was a paper on the wall that had little strips that you tear off on the bottom of it with puns, and the paper said "these puns are tearable".

That was years ago and I still remember it xDD
My friend just taught me one. When you’re listening to someone talk and they start saying, “I think...” about something, you immediately cut them off and say, “Congratulations for thinking.”


I got no puns but everyone has some good ones so far...