the following is my opinion. And my opinion alone. It in no way is ment as a statement to be taken harshly and is only how i feel.
I have owned all systems on poll and all not, ( yes even Virtual Boy Ewww) I will take points 1 at a time to included GC.
1. Repair history of GC was terrible from broken lid latches to premature failure of eye disk reading lens. i take care of my stuff always have
i had to send it in for repair 2 times within first 6 months. (and thats not to say other nintendo systems were not bad it's just a point.
2. it is by for the uglyest of the 5 console made by nintendo we are polling here.
3. Nes is better then GC as is Started it all for that reason alone it wins, SNES had Games that defined a generation. (super mario world).
n64 had Games that to this day are some of the most popular of all Time. so that makes it better. So that leaves 2 systemes.
Wii vs GC. lets say there games were even ( call tie even if you dont think so) fact that Wii was a fresh take in video games and with combined with wii fit started a whole new game craze. so there u go what i think tyvm for your time.
1.) Let me tell you something. I've moved numerous times over the course of my life. Packing my GameCube in a box without any bubble wrap, styrofoam or newspapers to keep it from being knocked around in a U-Haul that has crossed numerous bumpy roads... even had it stored in a hot garage in Lake Havasu one time where the summers reach into the triple digits. I've moved across three different states in my life, and guess what? My GameCube still works. It still has all of its original parts, still reads discs properly, doesn't make any weird noises on start up or when playing a game. I've had it for over 10 years and it is still in the same condition as the day I got it minus some dust in the fan.
So no, you don't really have a point. What my point is though, is that chances are is that you had a bad draw when acquiring your GameCube and got one that managed to slip through the manufacturing process with faulty hardware. Things like this happen somewhat often, not just with the GameCube but with pretty much anything that is created and mass-produced in a factory... Including all the other consoles on your list. It's because of things like that that warranties exist. Not to mention, you never even told us where you acquired the GameCube from which makes your point even less valid than before.
2.) That's a pretty silly reason to not include the GameCube in your poll, don't you think? To a lot of people the NES is the ugliest looking system of them all, or maybe the SNES or N64. That doesn't mean they are bad systems, a gaming console should be judged by its features and what it sets out to accomplish, the last thing it should be judged for is its aesthetics. If I were to follow your logic that aesthetics = better system, then I would take off every single console off the list since they aren't capable of playing games that display the best and most recent graphics available to us at the moment. Then again, we wouldn't have a poll or even a thread to begin with since the Wii U isn't on the list.
3.) Yes, the NES was the first system and it did lead Nintendo to make all the other systems. Does that make it the best, as in it is an indisputable fact that it is the best? No, because whether or not that reason alone makes it the better system is subjective. The same applies to all the other reasons for the other consoles. I remember hearing a lot of criticism against the Wii for being really gimmicky, and I also heard people call the N64 overrated. All of the different systems have their pros and cons no matter how well they sold, and a lot of those reasons are subjective.
I will admit that the GameCube didn't accomplish all too much - as a matter of fact I read that it was one of Nintendo's worst selling consoles of all time - but that doesn't mean it is a terrible system. Even if it is of your opinion that it should be excluded from the poll doesn't mean it should; because now that discredits your abilities as a poller. The whole point of a poll is to collect information
from other people as to what they think their favorite item on the poll is. If you were going to make a poll based on what
you think is the best system on the poll, then you were best off not creating a poll to begin with. Instead, you should've created a thread titled "What I Think the Best System of All Time Is" and included your fully-fleshed out opinion on what system was your favorite in the main post of the topic.