Goddamn poorly drawn, deviant art-esque
Bud, that's just one side of deviantART. I try to stay away from it as much as possible but I keep coming back to the ridiculous fangirl side with their Mary Sues
Goddamn poorly drawn, deviant art-esque
hope you feel bettr soon!![]()
i know i'll probably get bashed for saying this.. but the police officer had no choice. he had no way of knowing that his gun was fake, and the boy wasn't all that smart raising his toy after the police officer told him to freeze. and if police officers didn't have guns how would they enforce the law?
In the UK our police aren't allowed guns and they enforce the law just fine, and mistakes like this don't happen. We did have a police man kill a man a few years ago by pushing him over though. But everyone having guns just makes everything more dangerous
Pretty sure these awful allergies are actually just a cold...
Throat miraculously stopped hurting but I'm snotty and disgusting and I stupidly didn't get much sleep last night.
And tomorrow at 1pm I have to take a compass test for college! Of all the times to schedule an important test, I think I chose one of the worst.
The police force are allowed guns...
Do you not remember the London riots that happened a few years ago which we started over a police man shooting an innocent black boy?
Good luck with your compass test!
It's not anything to worry about at all.
You'll do great! <3
This is my most important year of school and I'm screwing it up so badly that I'm probably gonna have to rethink my future if I can't get it together before the semester ends.
The whole pronoun thing is so silly. The way tumblr people react when their pronouns are mistaken is just idiotic I mean oh nooo he instead of she? The amazing difference of one ****ing letter! Let me ignore all else you said and just call you a swine because I have my priorities wrong c: Like I get it words can hurt but I feel like I could mass murder them with just a few words.This has been happening a lot recently.
I'm not against debating. I think it's good for people to challenge each other. However, it's people that don't understand that you are not always right. When you are eighteen or sixteen, you think you know everything. You think you know how to solve all the problems in the galaxy. When you grow up...when you become mature...you start to realize you don't know anything. Simply stating "You're wrong, I'm right" isn't winning an argument or one-upping someone. Talking louder than me or interrupting me doesn't make you right. You're not supposed to win in a debate, I believe. I believe you are to voice your opinion and see if you can change some minds or see if your mind can get changed.
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Another thing that makes me upset is seeing these tumblr people try to make me feel bad by saying "check your privilege." or when they get mad if I refer to them as "she" instead of "they". I feel everyone on that site tries to be a unique, special snowflake and it's very annoying.
They also try to make white, straight men/women feel guilty or responsible for all the world's problem. It's often times that the oppressed become the oppressors.
This has been happening a lot recently.
I'm not against debating. I think it's good for people to challenge each other. However, it's people that don't understand that you are not always right. When you are eighteen or sixteen, you think you know everything. You think you know how to solve all the problems in the galaxy. When you grow up...when you become mature...you start to realize you don't know anything. Simply stating "You're wrong, I'm right" isn't winning an argument or one-upping someone. Talking louder than me or interrupting me doesn't make you right. You're not supposed to win in a debate, I believe. I believe you are to voice your opinion and see if you can change some minds or see if your mind can get changed.