What's bothering you?

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Oh daymn, it is a huge diffrent by being shot and get infractions too. Anyways, if you break the rules then this is whats happening. Thats life yah know.

0.jpgi guess
sounds good.
But just don't get me wrong, but I hate to see people being rude in this place. So yeah, I might not be a parent, the military or the cops but no one deserves this. Even this isnt bad as bully, but would someone do this to me I would feel not very welcome here.
Common forum lingo I suppose. Unless it's a kid's site like neopets where you can't write 'beer' without getting banned people tend to be pretty outspoken and teasing.
Yeah, that was one of the reasons I moslty stay away from forums. But so far this site if pretty good.
Yea..also if people take it too personal it's their fault to be honest. I mean it's not like I'm personal. I can be pretty much without filter and cynical like that but it's not like I go call people the n-word or **** everyday.
sounds good.
But just don't get me wrong, but I hate to see people being rude in this place. So yeah, I might not be a parent, the military or the cops but no one deserves this. Even this isnt bad as bully, but would someone do this to me I would feel not very welcome here.

I should really have questioned you a long time ago, but I suppose after around 2 months of absolutely no response, I guess I'll just challenge you now.
I drew a picture of Reenhard for you and posted it in your Art Trade thread back when you were producing trades quickly.
You replied with something similar to "Looks cute, I'll have it done soon!" referring to your half of the trade. (A sketch by the way.)
Except I checked back a while later when you posted your half of someone else's trade and I saw you edited it to "Looks cute, thank you!"
I understand my art isn't the best but when you said you'd be able to do just a sketch for me and I drew something for you, then just tossed it back in my face this isn't fair.
If you didn't want to do it, if you changed your mind, if you were you should've just told me instead of conning me out of my materials.
I would've been happy to do free art for you-doing that is not the same as you dangling a false carrot of hope in front of me.
While I agree I should've asked you about how it was going on, I assumed you were just stuck as you ignored my request while doing art for other's.
I am extremely wary of art trading on here now because of that.
I'm not demanding any art from you, I'm not trying to insult you.
I just fail to understand how you told me you'd do an art trade when you clearly didn't want to, and instead of explicitly telling me, chose to edit your post.
Sorry to bring this upon you, I really don't want to make your day suddenly turn horrible, but I decided to finally bring it up because it bugs me as much as I do.
I just want a rational explanation as to why you chose to weasel your way out of it, nothing more, nothing less. :)
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Well what's bothering me is that GAME never put Vita games into their systems so I can never trade it in.. It's like.. dude... get your games done.
I should really have questioned you a long time ago, but I suppose after around 2 months of absolutely no response, I guess I'll just challenge you now.
I drew a picture of Reenhard for you and posted it in your Art Trade thread back when you were producing trades quickly.
You replied with something similar to "Looks cute, I'll have it done soon!" referring to your half of the trade. (A sketch by the way.)
Except I checked back a while later when you posted your half of someone else's trade and I saw you edited it to "Looks cute, thank you!"
I understand my art isn't the best but when you said you'd be able to do just a sketch for me and I drew something for you, then just tossed it back in my face this isn't fair.
If you didn't want to do it, if you changed your mind, if you were you should've just told me instead of conning me out of my materials.
I would've been happy to do free art for you-doing that is not the same as you dangling a false carrot of hope in front of me.
While I agree I should've asked you about how it was going on, I assumed you were just stuck as you ignored my request while doing art for other's.
I am extremely wary of art trading on here now because of that.
I'm not demanding any art from you, I'm not trying to insult you.
I just fail to understand how you told me you'd do an art trade when you clearly didn't want to, and instead of explicitly telling me, chose to edit your post.
Sorry to bring this upon you, I really don't want to make your day suddenly turn horrible, but I decided to finally bring it up because it bugs me as much as I do.
I just want a rational explanation as to why you chose to weasel your way out of it, nothing more, nothing less. :)

Okay let me explain this to you.
What I meant with "looks good, I will be done soon". I remember you wanted to do a freebie to me. And I forgot it WAS a freebie. I wanted to sketch you out something BECAUSE I DO feel bad that people draw me things for free. I rather pay and everything than just take something and run away. Please do not missunderstand this darling. I never wanted you to feel like this. I do feel hurt that I somehow hurted you, I am terrible sorry about it. Your art IS appreacting, it is. I remember that I told to everyone that I really hate get things for free. Because EVERYONE is taking theirs time to do things for me, or even more. Wasting time... Im sorry for being a *** head.

Should I draw something for you then? to make everything better?
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I guess GameStop takes them as well but it's kinda losing its purpose to have a card to get extra trade-in money I guess.
Well, feel like an idiot now.

There's absolutely no need to feel like that. I'm not mad, I simply just wanted to know, but it seems it's just been a big misunderstanding :)
You don't need to draw anything for me at all, I wasn't trying to wangle any art out of you. Your art is superb, don't worry!
There's absolutely no need to feel like that. I'm not mad, I simply just wanted to know, but it seems it's just been a big misunderstanding :)
You don't need to draw anything for me at all, I wasn't trying to wangle any art out of you. Your art is superb, don't worry!

no tell me, what you like?
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