What's bothering you?

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My ex boyfriend keeps coming up to me and my current boyfriend and kissing his girlfriend on purpose. We went to formal last night and he sat right behind us. Talking very very loudly. "You're the best girlfriend ever." "No you're the best boyfriend." It's sad because they're trying so hard to get on my nerves and it's just seriously pathetic.
We moved to another table and he moved too, right next to us again. Doing the same thing.
It doesn't get on my nerves like it's used to but I'm getting serious with my new boyfriend and he just needs to try and ruin a special night for me.
Sorry for vent /:

That's... really creepy. If he continues, you could maybe report him for harassment or possibly stalking (though the latter would be more like if he kept following you around), but I'm not sure if schools or anyone would consider what he's doing right now to be harassment. Sorry he's being such an *******; just comfort yourself with the fact that they're probably so insecure in their relationship/ feelings for each other that they feel the need to do that to you.
That's... really creepy. If he continues, you could maybe report him for harassment or possibly stalking (though the latter would be more like if he kept following you around), but I'm not sure if schools or anyone would consider what he's doing right now to be harassment. Sorry he's being such an *******; just comfort yourself with the fact that they're probably so insecure in their relationship/ feelings for each other that they feel the need to do that to you.

He's always a ****, me and my boyfriend laugh at how hard he tries honestly. It just got on my nerves since last night was supposed to be special and he just had to try and ruin it, thank you for the advice though.
People who don't know what a "trigger warning" is.
Or people who coment on something that is VERY CLEARLY a cry for help but just blindly encourage that sort of thinking/behaviour with comments like "*sips coffee* soooo true...."

Oh, internet..... I am so new to you and you every day I learn more about you and gradually I learn more things about you to hate.

Like YouTube comments. Ugh. YouTube Comments. THOSE bother me.
i failed at cutting my mango so i just peeled off the skin and ate it like that and it went all down my arms
i think i have a cold but its not showing itself????? nose please
I just watched this movie on TV, but I didn't bother to check the program until it actually ended. However, the one thing I knew was that it had J.Lo in it, and I knew the plot, so I thought it wouldn't be too hard. Well long story short IT WAS VERY HARD and as it turns out it wasn't J.Lo at all but rather a different Latino actress woops
People who don't know what a "trigger warning" is.
Or people who coment on something that is VERY CLEARLY a cry for help but just blindly encourage that sort of thinking/behaviour with comments like "*sips coffee* soooo true...."

Oh, internet..... I am so new to you and you every day I learn more about you and gradually I learn more things about you to hate.

Like YouTube comments. Ugh. YouTube Comments. THOSE bother me.

it would suck to have to put trigger warnings on everything we post and beyond.

also, maybe those people were just agreeing, doesn't mean they're encouraging it unless they go "yeah, that awesome."
Tera really hates Aman :s Barely any costume choices and most of them turn her rhino legs into human legs.. looks so weird. Dammit Tera, I wanna drop money on you but you're making it too hard. Why cant I make my rhino girl look like a school girl dammit :c Also I'm so tempted to try for loot boxes but I can tell that **** is a money grab of liiess.
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People who don't know what a "trigger warning" is.

trigger warnings are waaaay overused. i mean come on ANYTHING could be a trigger for someone, do people expect us to trigger warning everything? you don't have to shout TRIGGER WARNING!!! in real life so why on the internet?? I understand it in some circumstances but seriously some people are just so delicate they shouldn't even be on the internet
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