What's Bothering You?

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Yeah, I could have written a more detailed post how ******** they are but honestly we all know that they are just bothering me and I wonder why they exist.

Also white old male ppl: If you're coming into our store for the sole purpose of provoking the staff, go burn in hell.

I hate it when a successful and more powerful company makes a decision that screws up their products and services. Microsoft introduced Windows 8. Apple gave us iOS 7. Google?s new update on search history is stupid.

But it?s normal for tech companies (especially cable companies) to have bad customer service.
I'm feeling a lot antsy about getting my decision from Bentley... I have a fair shot at getting in but it's the self doubt that has been making me anxious
My eyes, what is wrong with you
Walking around my neighborhood and playing Pokemon GO all alone has made me realize how much I hate it here. I wish I didn't have to leave my dorm.

Also I'm prob gonna miss the Lugia/Ho-oh event this event. Oh well, sucks to be me.
2200/5000 words on my paper due tomorrow morning. I have to work at 8am. Currently 10pm. I am going to seriously die tonight and it's not even funny anymore.

2am update: I've hit 3600 words and am taking the L. I'm just submitting it. I can't anymore.
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My dad keeps borrowing hundreds of dollars from me and never paying it back. I'm seriously getting tired of it.
My dad keeps borrowing hundreds of dollars from me and never paying it back. I'm seriously getting tired of it.

okay wow that is rude ... tell him off it's not okay.

also the cold here can i move also never gonna get a shiny groudon *cri in pokemon*
My dad keeps borrowing hundreds of dollars from me and never paying it back. I'm seriously getting tired of it.

If he does it again, tell him no. Also tell him that you will never let him borrow money from you again until he pays all of it back.
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My dad keeps borrowing hundreds of dollars from me and never paying it back. I'm seriously getting tired of it.

That ain?t cool. Tell him no and if he keeps doing it look into pressing charges. That?s inexcusable
Wtf this isn't ok in the slightest. You should talk to him about this right away. :eek:

okay wow that is rude ... tell him off it's not okay.

If he does it again, tell him no. Also tell him that you will never let him borrow money from you again until he pays all of it back.

The problem is that he is horrible at managing money, and since my mom can't work they have to live off of his income. So he constantly borrows money from me and then he can't pay it back cause he's always broke. Just earlier he made me give my brother $100 cause my dad has been paying for his rent and this month he can't. God knows when I'll see that money again.
My dad is gonna owe me big time. I've given him a lot of money and though I don't expect anything in return it would be nice.

Also tfw you absolutely can't stand being stuck in a house for hours but you can't go anywhere cause it's cold asf and you don't drive :smad:
Just because he's bad at it doesn't excuse it. He should learn how to live off little incomes and stop being a grown kid.
The problem is that he is horrible at managing money, and since my mom can't work they have to live off of his income. So he constantly borrows money from me and then he can't pay it back cause he's always broke. Just earlier he made me give my brother $100 cause my dad has been paying for his rent and this month he can't. God knows when I'll see that money again.
My dad is gonna owe me big time. I've given him a lot of money and though I don't expect anything in return it would be nice.

Also tfw you absolutely can't stand being stuck in a house for hours but you can't go anywhere cause it's cold asf and you don't drive :smad:

so you're giving it to him in person and he's not taking it from your bank account or anything?
The problem is that he is horrible at managing money, and since my mom can't work they have to live off of his income. So he constantly borrows money from me and then he can't pay it back cause he's always broke. Just earlier he made me give my brother $100 cause my dad has been paying for his rent and this month he can't. God knows when I'll see that money again.
My dad is gonna owe me big time. I've given him a lot of money and though I don't expect anything in return it would be nice.

Just tell him no if he asks to borrow your money again. If he tells you to give him money, ignore him. He shouldn’t be borrowing money if he has bad money management.
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