What's Bothering You?

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Just tell him no if he asks to borrow your money again. If he tells you to give him money, ignore him. He shouldn’t be borrowing money if he has bad money management.

Exactly, it's just feeding his bad actions and behaviour. Tell him he can't have more or force it to someone else until he paid it all back, and went through some therapy/class on how to manage your economy.
Just tell him no if he asks to borrow your money again. If he tells you to give him money, ignore him. He shouldn?t be borrowing money if he has bad money management.

Yeah I'm pretty much at that point. I don't mind buying stuff for our house like laundry/dish soap, cat food, etc. but my dad can find a different way to get money for bills n stuff.
My incredibly ugly handwriting and even uglier printing. :[ I put a conscious effort into trying to at least make it nice on these Christmas cards but it still looks like trash!
my english professor has graded 5 out of my 20 assignments and grades are due on the 19th
Seriously, like, I see so many Squarespace ads everywhere! They're literally unavoidable! First, it was being sponsored on channels, second was being on numerous websites, youtube (they really went all out there), on T.V. commercial breaks, in public transportation, and being stuck on a streetcar where it takes up the entire vehicle! It's ridiculous!
> bf makes jokes of dating other girls
> I get annoyed
> bf:

my phone screen completely broke so i cant use my phone at all and my parents are avoiding me whenever i bring it up. idk what they expect me to do for school tomorrow? what if i get into an emergency? what if something happens? do they not care. atleast discuss it with me. not to mention literally all my friends are getting like iphone x's for christmas and im getting nothing
Oh my GOd Mom you’re the WORST

Why do you always have to be the victim and you can’t admit when you’re wrong ever??????
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Aw the gold candy is cute. But looking at the tinsel rewards for the events I think getting it would require more participation than I have time for. ;-; Especially b/c I don't have a tree !
Gee dad, maybe this would go quicker if you would...I dunno

Quit being so lazy and selfish and HELP me
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how can i sleep so much it's insane, i'm not gonna beat myself up too much bc it was a busy weekend but i've wasted these two days off completely
holy crap my thighs are enormous i have to stop eating so many sweets but I've just been so stressed >.<
Wow... that’s one of the worst days ive had since last month
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