What's Bothering You?

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Nope, all I gots to draw are my hands, pens/pencils/colored pencils, my phone and its shot camera. I also don't have that kind of money for a drawing tablet or a laptop. Even if I were to buy one of those, I don't have any WiFi either to use them.

I'm so behind on the times. X/ Not excactly my choice thou.

Ahhhh gotcha, I'd say still give it a shot! There are other users who do the same traditional pencil drawings and get quite a few requests!
I'm not sure 100% what it is yet, I'm gonna be going to the doctor for it later, but I cannot hear out of my right ear right now. Like, at all. I do have a feeling of what it might be, at the very least, since something similar happened to me early last year where I had a ton of wax built up in my right ear. I hope that's all it is again, because it was easy (albeit slightly annoying) to treat last time. Still, whatever it is, sucks.
I'm not sure 100% what it is yet, I'm gonna be going to the doctor for it later, but I cannot hear out of my right ear right now. Like, at all. I do have a feeling of what it might be, at the very least, since something similar happened to me early last year where I had a ton of wax built up in my right ear. I hope that's all it is again, because it was easy (albeit slightly annoying) to treat last time. Still, whatever it is, sucks.

that's the same thing that happened to me, and it happens pretty often for me. Its my ear wax problem and its always my right ear.
blown away by how annoying and frustrating it is just to try to get to a town 15 mins away
I'm dealing with a sore throat and tomorrow I'm having singing lessons. Getting these high notes isn't going to be fun.
I've been spending so much time trying to locate every member who owns a Weird Doll collectible. Of the 14 that are out there, I only know where 11 of them are... Wayback Machine hasn't archived every page so these last 3 are unbelievably difficult to track.

Generally this wouldn't bother me so much if Justin didn't know who the last 3 were and is refusing to tell me >: (
It's bothering my curiosity (OCD?) to know where they all are. I also want them in circulation again- so if I find them- I'm gonna see if I can surprise gift them to my friends :]

Edit: Found another, owner is a Sage. Dang. 2 are still To Be Found
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I've been spending so much time trying to locate every member who owns a Weird Doll collectible. Of the 14 that are out there, I only know where 11 of them are... Wayback Machine hasn't archived every page so these last 3 are unbelievably difficult to track.

Generally this wouldn't bother me so much if Justin didn't know who the last 3 were and is refusing to tell me >: (
It's bothering my curiosity (OCD?) to know where they all are. I also want them in circulation again- so if I find them- I'm gonna see if I can surprise gift them to my friends :]

u kno my name, dolls are my game

i'm kinda curious what one would be worth in tbt/collectibles etc. i defo would be interested to see if it ever had a btb value or if it will have one.. someone sell me :^)

anyway why are food allergies even a thing like bruh come on peanuts must be the worst
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They gave the cool ass gen 1/2 champ music to the lame bozo new rival ewwwww why
i was playing new leaf until my 3ds suddenly displayed a message that i ejected the cartridge (which i didn't) and i lost a full day of playing.. plus a i got a visit from our fav mole man...
I think I've just ruined my correction tape. It's still usable, but it won't retract the tape back in. Guess I'll just buy the correction fluid or something next time.
my villager literally moved RIGHT NEXT to the spot i reserved for her........ my blood is Boiling right now

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this is a moment i wish i had amiibo cards
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