What's Bothering You?

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im trying for concert tickets tomorrow and im absolutely dreading it :(
my skin is breaking out so bad atm too
When like most ppl at work is like 18-20 years old and you have like nothing in common with them lol

Pretty sure this is me at work also. Except it's more like 20-22 maybe, I'm the youngest person at work in my department.
Pretty sure this is me at work also. Except it's more like 20-22 maybe, I'm the youngest person at work in my department.

Yeah there is one woman in my group who is 32 and she's nice but everyone else is just like post-pubertal just wanna drink and get ****boys on Tinder... :///

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I'm 27 so yeah lol
My boyfriend knows I don't like playing WOW but still tries to make me feel bad for not playing with him, and I've brought this up many times. I finally gave in to playing today and after ten minutes of him getting angry that I'm not having fun I start going off on him. Then he hangs up because he doesn't want his mom to hear me arguing with him. He said "the two times you wanted to play ACNL with me I played with you, but I've asked you to play WOW like 50 times and we've only played like 10." BECAUSE I DON'T LIKE THE ****ING GAME. IT'S NOT FUN FOR ME AND YOU CHOOSE TO JUST IGNORE ME EVERY SINGLE ****ING TIME I SAY THAT. IT'S ALWAYS "WE'RE NOT IN A GOOD AREA" OR SOME **** BUT NO. IT'S THE ENTIRE GAME I DON'T LIKE. Not to mention I hardly ask you to play ACNL because I know you don't like it! Unlike YOU, who still asks me constantly to play and uses nice things you do as currency to get me to play, when you KNOW I don't like it! Why can't you play it by yourself like I do all other games? We can still call and not have to be playing the same game, especially one that you know I don't like. And, on top of that, you have the nerve to hang up on me and just say "I don't need an argument right now"? Oh, you're gonna get one. It's gonna be even bigger now because of THAT. He doesn't take my anger seriously, and sometimes apologizes for it because I'm "just so small and cute". WHAT DOES THAT MATTER? MY OPINIONS ARE STILL JUST AS VALID AS THE ROCK'S AND I DESERVE TO BE LISTENED TO BY MY BOYFRIEND OF NEARLY TWO YEARS. I'm flying to him in two weeks, and staying for three. He better not act like this when I'm there because I WILL lose my ****.

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Okay, I'm sorry. I do love him, he just gets on my nerves sometimes. That was nice to get off my chest.
I'm getting a cold and I already feel my throat feeling uncomfortable. I'm also just almost sneezing but can't sneeze. AAaaaa.
i don't think that youtube fitness gurus know what the words 'beginner workout' mean and it's really ****ing frustrating
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im going to a concert with my friend and her friends but idk her friends I FEEL SO LEFT OUTWTF
I just realized that yesterday I had a chance to get my long lost Kirby egg and I didn't do it smfh
It's Friday and I made it home in a reasonable amount of time BUT now I'm feeling the beginnings of what feels like a moderately severe headache :( just why
It's Friday and I made it home in a reasonable amount of time BUT now I'm feeling the beginnings of what feels like a moderately severe headache :( just why

Probably dehydrated, I’d reccomend drinking a lot of water.
I've been sick (almost bed-ridden) for so long that my room has barely been kept up with other than the basics. I'm starting to heal, but so now I have a project on my hands lol. But I'm still grateful I'm feeling better nonetheless.
Good news is pets are all in good condition again.

Bad news is that now my mom is getting sick again. Worried and I hope she gets better soon but she's probably gonna have to go to a doctor...
my sister moved out today and so im just sad. i moved into her oom almost immediately (ive been anxious and cramped and felt i need something clean and open so i moved asap) but instead it feels just kinda empty and sad. i cant wait to fix up stuff tomorrow, make it more my home, but my dogs were antsy cause i was pacing.
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