What's Bothering You?

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We got the results of the biopsy on the lump my rat, Justin, had removed from his little face. It was malignant. It was classified as "low malignancy" which means there's a very good chance that it won't spread inside to organs and other areas. However the type of cancer that it is tends to reoccur in the same area. We're getting his stitches out tomorrow. Every day after that we have to check his cheek for any signs of anything unusual. I feel bad for him that he may have to go through all of this again.
We got the results of the biopsy on the lump my rat, Justin, had removed from his little face. It was malignant. It was classified as "low malignancy" which means there's a very good chance that it won't spread inside to organs and other areas. However the type of cancer that it is tends to reoccur in the same area. We're getting his stitches out tomorrow. Every day after that we have to check his cheek for any signs of anything unusual. I feel bad for him that he may have to go through all of this again.

aww, i hope lil justin makes a quick recovery and that he lives a long and happy life with no problems from now on! <3

i keep biting my lip so much that it's bleeding and painful but i can't stop : (
aww, i hope lil justin makes a quick recovery and that he lives a long and happy life with no problems from now on! <3

i keep biting my lip so much that it's bleeding and painful but i can't stop : (

Thank you! That's our hope too.

I'm so sorry about your lip. I can't imagine how sore your mouth is feeling.

A friend of mine used to chew her lower lip waaaaaaaay back when we were in high school. She finally had the idea to buy clear lip gloss in a flavor she knew she hated. Her hope was that when she'd go to bite her lip she'd taste the nasty flavor & it would deter her from biting herself. She would reapply the lip gloss over & over again each day. It took some time (and quite a few tubes of lip gloss) but she did eventually stop biting her lips. Plus the lip gloss helped keep her lips healthy through the cold of Winter.
I've got an essay due at midnight, and schoolwork that's just been piling up in my binder. I'm failing two classes. It's so damn difficult. I'm struggling to pass classes, to do schoolwork, to eat meals - I wish my family would just understand. I'm so damn tired of all this. And, stop dragging religion into it, and stop nagging me to go out and exercise - all I want is some emotional support. I've got a dear friend of mine who's told her parents about me, and they are willing to take me in and let me stay with them for a bit. However, my mom didn't consent to it - and my aunt, who's lately been getting involved in some personal matters, had also disliked the idea. It seems that I'm also able to live with my aunt for a bit, but I don't think I'd be comfortable with that. I'm tired of it all.
I've got an essay due at midnight, and schoolwork that's just been piling up in my binder. I'm failing two classes. It's so damn difficult. I'm struggling to pass classes, to do schoolwork, to eat meals - I wish my family would just understand. I'm so damn tired of all this. And, stop dragging religion into it, and stop nagging me to go out and exercise - all I want is some emotional support. I've got a dear friend of mine who's told her parents about me, and they are willing to take me in and let me stay with them for a bit. However, my mom didn't consent to it - and my aunt, who's lately been getting involved in some personal matters, had also disliked the idea. It seems that I'm also able to live with my aunt for a bit, but I don't think I'd be comfortable with that. I'm tired of it all.

I’m so sorry. No one should have to go through this. I hope your situation improves soon, Dawn. <3
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i didnt think id actually be this sad but im gettin increasingly depressed about hving possibly killed my sourdough starter..
i dont think its likely actually only because of that, but like, im just in a depressive mood overall i guess.
not helping that im reading thru comments on my essay which are the equivalent to critique/criticism (which are honestly/objectively very constructive and helpful) but im very very self concious about it and am just not mentally strong enough to keep myself together for essay writing at this point.

I feel like crying (sighs)
nothing like waiting for a mystery ailment to go away on its own so you dont have to see a doctor
I can't stand kissarses
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I stopped by our apartment today after getting some troubling news; the previous tenant left it in basically an inhospitable condition. I really don't understand why someone would do that to someone else's property... We are getting a newer stove out of it though, so that's nice I guess?
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