Getting really annoyed with my "friend" now. If you can't even reply or talk about it for real I'm wondering why even have any contact with people here. You are the one screwing up here, not me. And if you can't take criticism that is valid nor take that people have questions I seriously wish you the worst.
Trying to make this story not too long but I basically saw him last time in March, and then we agree on contacting each other in a few weeks because we were both busy with work and others things. He doesn't do that, I have to send all the texts and sometime in April I got this real **** text (between the lines); "Hi i gotta be alone and think of my life for a while and for some reason not be in contact with you whatsoever and remove you and things you write everywhere". Ironically enough he put up things on Steam he did with his friends and removed me and a random comment I made on a screenshot (i just wrote gone fishing for fun on one), removed me Discord and literally everywhere. Like okay that was not a good explanation nor do you do that to people.
I also talked to him mom not too long ago and I told her things and she said I should stop caring and sure I could I'm just wondering why he is acting like a lil insecure and edgy brat when he's an adult. Men...
Trying to make this story not too long but I basically saw him last time in March, and then we agree on contacting each other in a few weeks because we were both busy with work and others things. He doesn't do that, I have to send all the texts and sometime in April I got this real **** text (between the lines); "Hi i gotta be alone and think of my life for a while and for some reason not be in contact with you whatsoever and remove you and things you write everywhere". Ironically enough he put up things on Steam he did with his friends and removed me and a random comment I made on a screenshot (i just wrote gone fishing for fun on one), removed me Discord and literally everywhere. Like okay that was not a good explanation nor do you do that to people.
I also talked to him mom not too long ago and I told her things and she said I should stop caring and sure I could I'm just wondering why he is acting like a lil insecure and edgy brat when he's an adult. Men...