• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

What's Bothering You?

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I think I was acting a bit awkward in my history class ;-;

...Also, what kind of person would randomly take someone else's phone, then throw the freakin' thing? Just the other day, a friend of mine told me that some girl took her phone, threw it, then ran away. This happened at the library, and guess what? The librarian wasn't even there when it happened! And today, a friend of mine said that a girl stabbed his finger...with his own pencil. Gosh darn it people, find your humanity!

- - - Post Merge - - -

Boyfriend's in surgery right now, really hoping it goes well for him. Waiting room sucks.

Sorry to hear that :( hope all goes well for him.
I forgot to take my medicine on time and now I am h u r t i n g.

Also Sirena, I wish your boyfriend the best. <3
i don't wanna be like this anymore. i don't like this. i really don't like this.
My 3DS charger is lost and looks like I'm destined to stop playing ACNL and be a freaking bum for good. I can't do anything good at all.
I cuss so much and I'm sure the 12 yr old me would be repulsed if she saw me now
Plus I totally just ruined a good thing but tbh he kinda ruined it too sooo
My hair still continues to fall out after having months of blood tests and iron supplements. It's got to the point where I can't even wear my hair down anymore it's gotten so thin, I'm surprised I'm not bald yet. When does it end?
People who are clearly not reading and have to get everything explained for them instead of trying to learn it themselves first
man i think of so many great things to draw but since my drawing skills are so limited they dont come out as great
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