My mom was supposed to have surgery on her neck on March 18th to remove a large non cancerous growth on her right carotid artery. She's had it since November and it's gotten bigger as we've waited for her to get her surgery. She got a call on the 17th that her surgery was off and was being postponed until April 2nd because of the coronavirus. She was really bummed but we figured two more weeks wasn't that bad. Then they called her Friday and told her that it was mandated that all surgeries be cancelled through May and her new surgery date was June 17th. We went from waiting 2 more weeks to 3 more months. On top of that my husband & his coworkers weer informed last week that a gentleman who works in the offices at my husband's job was self-isolating because 2 of his family members were confirmed coronavirus cases. My husband didn't have contact with the gentleman but who knows if they touched the same places or had contact with the same person. My husband tends to be a carrier so my family is concerned about me since my immune system doesn't work properly. My husband's job is considered essential so unless he starts showing symptoms he has to go to work. Because of things going on in real life I didn't get to start playing NH until today. I don't TT so many people are way ahead of me and even those who don't TT are 4 days ahead of me. On top of all that someone I thought was a friend accused me of caring more about pixels than people. I've told them several times that something they said hurt my feelings but they won't acknowledge that my feelings were hurt. They keep ignoring that to accuse me of not caring about them. I've got too much going on in my real life to deal with drama kings.
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