What's Bothering You?

I went to bed 3 hours ago, and I still couldn’t fall asleep. To be fair, I was trying to get to sleep much earlier than usual, but I tried to lay down with my eyes closed for minutes. And it’s not working.
I feel like I've let everyone I possibly can down at work. 🎶 It's me, hi, I'm the problem it's me 🎶
my throat has been sore all day 🤕 i felt fine when i went to bed, and woke up 6 hours later to an achy throat. i really hope i’m not getting sick. i haven’t been sick in over 3 years, and i’d really like to keep it that way.

took some medicine and am probably going to have soup for dinner, so hopefully i’ll feel better after i’ve gotten some sleep 🙏🏻
update: i feel even worse today. my throat hurts so bad and my head is killing me. i was only able to sleep for about an hour or two at a time last night. :/
You ever do something so embarrassing that you almost wish you lived alone so nobody would have to find out?
I'm scared.
my grandma, brother and i went to the closest mall near my school yesterday, i live 30 minutes away so i usually don’t go to the mall over there. i saw the popular girl in my class in the food court, we made brief eye contact but neither of us said anything to each other and i walked away pretending to be on my phone.

i wasn’t trying to be rude but it’s kind of embarrassing when you know someone from somewhere but you don’t KNOW know them, i think i’ve only said one or two sentences to her within the past 3 years. my brother (who also goes to the same school as me) said that he saw her friend too (also popular and in the same class as me), i can’t imagine what they’re probably saying about me lol this is so sad.

the worst part is that i start school in 5 days, she probably thinks im a loser bc i was out with family.

ofc im not embarrassed of my family but since im so quiet at school she probably thinks im a loser bc i probably have no one to hang out with other than family.
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Stressing taking my mom to her doctors appointment. I was afraid of being late so we showed up 45 minutes early
Still hurt, but I got that out of my system.
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One of my latest posts on the Random Thoughts thread got deleted. I’m gonna avoid talking about what I was talking about (and they did properly explain what I did wrong), but it still bothers me when I receive a notice about post deletion. It’s not because I want my post to stay, not anymore. It’s because I don’t want to get in trouble on this site.
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It's absolutely not pathetic. I've seen you around the forums lately and you seem pretty cool. You remind me of a certain friend of mine. It sucks to be able to only relate to one person and then they're leaving you behind. Your feelings are very much valid. I also don't feel like a lot of people truly understand me as a person, so I can relate in that way. I'm close with several people, but beyond that there's not a lot of people I have deep conversations with at all.

I'm glad for your friend, but I really hope they have valued and still value your friendship enough to continue talking with you a lot. If you ever want to talk more, my DMs and VMs are open. 💚
It's absolutely not pathetic. I've seen you around the forums lately and you seem pretty cool. You remind me of a certain friend of mine. It sucks to be able to only relate to one person and then they're leaving you behind. Your feelings are very much valid. I also don't feel like a lot of people truly understand me as a person, so I can relate in that way. I'm close with several people, but beyond that there's not a lot of people I have deep conversations with at all.

I'm glad for your friend, but I really hope they have valued and still value your friendship enough to continue talking with you a lot. If you ever want to talk more, my DMs and VMs are open. 💚
thank you so much. i appreciate your kind words a lot, more than i can express! 💙
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My home life is, to put it very very conservatively, toxic and hurting me. AND we just got a moth infestation. Theyre really big moths. I already just lost a bunch of my stuff to bugs because all my stuff has been between four hours while I sofa surf but god damn I cant take this. I sleep on the sofa here next to the kitchen and I walked into the kitchen to a couple dozen huge moths on the windows, which made me slam the door shut. Now my roommates are fighting in the bedroom next door (which is sadly a daily thing). Its getting really loud.

Today I was up at 9 am, out by 12pm, back for an hour at 7pm when the moths appeared, and I just got home - its 1am. Im back out at 9 am tomorrow. This is my life !
Nervous for my lab work results. The thought of your own blood and urine being analyzed is...very disturbing... 😐😐😐
Today was just... a hard day. Got yelled at by both my bosses and a coworker called me a dumb***. I'm pretty sore from work too and now my grandmother is coming to stay a night or two which, I don't mind spending time with her but I'm really not up to cleaning my house or spending a night on the couch right now.