What's Bothering You?

the design project that i need to complete in a few hours since its deadline is tomorrow morning
I’m feeling dizzy, and even after I ate and had some water, I still feel dizzy. I still have a lot of studying left to do. I’m just kind of scared at the moment to be honest. Can’t wait for school to be over in a couple weeks.
Had a peeping Tom not long ago tonight.

I'm in a meeting online, when through the crack of my blinds (I always keep them closed, but one may get stuck once in a while) I can see a guy on the phone pacing back and forth. I sneakily keep an eye on him, and keep my guard up. Not long after, I see his body (gray shirt) right by my window, mere inches. I run out to alert my family and call cops.

My brother and grandfather spook him off, and cops get here for investigation. Don't think he's caught, and I'm just on edge. Can't sleep in my room tonight.
Had a peeping Tom not long ago tonight.

I'm in a meeting online, when through the crack of my blinds (I always keep them closed, but one may get stuck once in a while) I can see a guy on the phone pacing back and forth. I sneakily keep an eye on him, and keep my guard up. Not long after, I see his body (gray shirt) right by my window, mere inches. I run out to alert my family and call cops.

My brother and grandfather spook him off, and cops get here for investigation. Don't think he's caught, and I'm just on edge. Can't sleep in my room tonight.

Oh no, I’m sorry to hear this. It’s unfortunate that some guys are creepy like that. :/ Stay safe please!
I had to get tested for covid-19 and my family has been acting like I’m going to kill everyone around me :/ we haven’t gotten results, feel free to panic when it’s positive

My dad threatened to empty his storage and put me in there, but honestly I’d rather be in that tiny room than share a room with my brothers lol
lol this reminds me of my dad. He's honestly the most one of the most overdramatic people I know.

My mum and I are essential workers, where my mum works in a hospital that has a ward dedicated to covid-19 patients. Every time my mum came home he used to "joke" about sanitising herself and all that. Thankfully he's kinda over that now. But my mum's been saying about her throat being sore lately and he's like "go get tested for covid!!", it's like chill bruh pls. I haven't been at work for the last few weeks thankfully otherwise I would've got the same things from him. In addition to that, he's the one with underlying conditions but does all the shopping, which probably puts him in just as greater risk as anyone else leaving the house 🤦‍♀️

honestly can't wait for lockdown to end, or at least a partial lockdown where I can go to the beach or a small roadtrip or something, pls just anything to get me outta this place
I have a bunch of ridiculous memories of doing something which I regret two years ago and before.
yeah so grateful that i have work and all kudos to the head city librarian for keeping most of libraries open.. then we have those 60 years old at work complaining about **** like okay retire already no one wants to hear abut your whiny ass when they put up as much restrictions and such as possible to keep it open-
My dad made some good vegetable beef soup last night and I wish I could eat more of it but I had to find out the hard way the my body really doesn't like something in it :(
It bothers me that the General Discussion thread is dead now. Hardly anybody wants to post there, even after the site is alive again. I still like popping up there once in a while, but I can’t chat in an empty chat room.
Ugh can our government please and thank you resign now. Idk whether to laugh or be angry because they are playing such adults .. Like just close down restaurants that is not like takeaway places and such if you want people not to go??? And they threaten to do more restrictions in May if people don't follow the current ones. **** off.
Ac twitter is wild. Seeing someone getting attacked verbally from everyone there is not putting our community in the best light..

Even tho I don’t agree with the person getting hate I still think this is too extreme...