What's Bothering You?

I‘m trying to sleep early for once and I can’t fall asleep. There’s too much on my mind and my heart is all over the place. I’m curled up like a burrito in my bed, but I keep shaking like a vibrating burrito and that’s not helping, lol
I‘m trying to sleep early for once and I can’t fall asleep. There’s too much on my mind and my heart is all over the place. I’m curled up like a burrito in my bed, but I keep shaking like a vibrating burrito and that’s not helping, lol

man i feel that, i hate when i get shaky bones when im trying to sleep, its the worst
Sometimes I think that life is okay... and then I get into a situation where both of my parents are present.

Then I remember why I'm so depressed all the time.
Haha yeah I felt that right to the bones. My parents honestly should've divorced before I was born, then I wouldn't have to put up with their crap smh


bro I am so over the constant stress headaches, tension headaches, TMJ disorder, abdominal pain, dizziness and general nausea. All because of finals and uni. This is why I can't ****ing wait to be done. I know I wasn't made for this, but have somehow made it through. I'm so ****ing ready to leave studying behind and just get out into the workforce, make some money, move out and (maybe someday lmao) buy a house. Like just being the amount of free time I'll have is so so close that it's painful to just be stuck studying for 3 more days...

***** I'm legitimately going to be on new horizons and I cannot WAIT
-deleted this cause as soon as i posted this here, my professor got back to me and solved my issue in the nicest way?? ahh i'm so glad and thankful, for him and even this thread haha-
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This site never fixing my **** like bruthur let me know already.

Also my dad pls die :^)
I‘m trying to sleep early for once and I can’t fall asleep. There’s too much on my mind and my heart is all over the place. I’m curled up like a burrito in my bed, but I keep shaking like a vibrating burrito and that’s not helping, lol
I hope you were able to sleep finally. :( I’ve been having trouble sleeping lately too, my mind just won’t turn off.
I love my cat very dearly but I have not gotten a proper night's sleep in so long because he thinks it's cool to scream for hours for food at 1AM and then some more every time he re-enters my room after eating and I am just. Dying.
I feel like I have to write an essays worth of information into a paragraph and I have no idea how to be professional about it. I haven't done anythin like this in 2+ yrs. I may not even get a text back hahaaa rip.
I am just so worried about one of my roommates getting sick and bringing home corona. One of them is just a reallllly unhygienic man and works in fast food. 🤮 He refuses to see it's a problem and its going to eventually hit the house. I would disown this disgusting jerk if he weren't my brother. 😭
Guilt is eating me from the inside because I somehow managed to lose almost all of my switch games at once and I haven't told anyone for over a month.
I dragged my poor mom to the laundromat so I could go wash some clothes (cause god forbid I drive anywhere alone) and then I realized I forgot all the soap and dryer sheets.

If my life depended on my memory I prob would've been long gone by now.
Having chronic back pain, everyday...
and now I think I might have carpal tunnel syndrome. T_T;
My wrist hurts so much.. and it's been hurting for 3 weeks now...
