It has reached a point where I simply just don’t want to exist for a few weeks. I’m so tired of being anxious all the time and stressed 24/7 and crying every single night over someone who never cared in the first place. And never will care. I am so sick of being so... vulnerable all the time. Does this come with an off button? Is there a way to hide this in a way where I can live a normal life without showing or feeling any emotions? Asking for a friend.
I had cut off a few people I’ve known for about 8 years, they’re actually how I met my ex in the first place. But one of them does not seem to be getting the hint WHAT SO EVER. I blocked her everywhere because she has been nothing but insensitive to me. Making excuses for my ex, trying to pardon what he did to me, telling me how to feel and she even had the audacity to tell me it was time for ME to forget about him. Like lol, you do not get to decide that for me? Just because we’ve met in real life and have known each other for years does not mean you know what is best for me. She has contacted my close friends and even texted my aunt AND my mother asking them why I blocked her. I do not owe you an explanation. I do not owe you anything. Leave my family and friends out of this and take a hint.
The past few weeks have been very crazy for me. I’m sick of crying so much. I’m sick of feeling emotions. Can I just become numb lol.