I hate going on Facebook. Triggers a ton of stuff for me and if I do need to be doing something on there (work or studies-related) I just don't want to hang around my timeline. The same goes for Instagram; like you do you and flaunt your lifestyle but I really don't want to start comparing my simple life to your extravagant every day, it just makes me feel the worst about myself. Twitter, discord, and messenger are probably the only social media platforms I use.
That being said, I really do need to control my urges to compare myself to others. Honestly when I start not caring about comparisons I also start to appreciate my friend, family, and other blessings I have.
I also want to see my psychiatrist, I never got to go through with the appointment last March because of the pandemic
That being said, I really do need to control my urges to compare myself to others. Honestly when I start not caring about comparisons I also start to appreciate my friend, family, and other blessings I have.