What's Bothering You?

I hate going on Facebook. Triggers a ton of stuff for me and if I do need to be doing something on there (work or studies-related) I just don't want to hang around my timeline. The same goes for Instagram; like you do you and flaunt your lifestyle but I really don't want to start comparing my simple life to your extravagant every day, it just makes me feel the worst about myself. Twitter, discord, and messenger are probably the only social media platforms I use.

That being said, I really do need to control my urges to compare myself to others. Honestly when I start not caring about comparisons I also start to appreciate my friend, family, and other blessings I have.

I also want to see my psychiatrist, I never got to go through with the appointment last March because of the pandemic
I walked out of my room to find hundreds of ants :(
an ant emoji just appeared on my phone screen when I typed this and startled me d: I hate ants
I'm actually paralyzed with stress/anxiety over the situation with bringing my dog to my dorm. I have no idea what I'm gonna do.

edit: just sent a message to the head of disability services, hopefully she can help me out.
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I told my friend I could make her 1 or 2 icons for her apps, and she gave me 7 apps to make icons for 😭 I dont have time for all of them
okay I'm just so ****ING stressed like I got all this ****ing **** I need to do before I start college and I gotta deal with getting my ****ING vaccinations and just ****ING-
I was supposed to get my braces off today, but obviously I need to wear them for a couple more months
They said that I would have them off by today but obviously they knew I was going to wear them longer, I saw on their computer and it was the same procedure as all of the rest
My heart sank when they said which color do I want this time lol
I forgot to mention above, this is my second time having braces. I’ve had them when I was in elementary school to middle school and now I’m having them again when I’m about to be a part time college student. It sucks really and it’s not fun, but at least I won’t have them for much longer. :/
I forgot to mention above, this is my second time having braces. I’ve had them when I was in elementary school to middle school and now I’m having them again when I’m about to be a part time college student. It sucks really and it’s not fun, but at least I won’t have them for much longer. :/
That sounds uncomfortable. Good thing you don't have to wear them for too long.
That sounds uncomfortable. Good thing you don't have to wear them for too long.
Yeah, I mean, it has to be done. Only got like two months left anyway lol
At least I look more youthful in appearance 😄
i've had six full blown panic attacks just this week (not gonna even count the amount i've had this month and it's only the 13th) today was the worst though cuz my mom had to go for the biopsy...we won't know if it's cancer until early next week so i've been on edge just trying to make sure she's happy and comfy and taking care of my dad cuz he worries like me. luckily when i feel them coming on i run to my room if i'm not needed and just let them happen as quite as i can so i don't worry anyone. my whole body is sore af and i'm drained mentally and physically. today i managed to handle two of them while cleaning my room to try to avoid them and to stop thinking about what could happen. my depression is really really bad has been for a while but i've just been pushing on and pretending to be happy for the sake of my family i swear 2 god i'm becoming a monster.
Don't ants release a smell that summons more ants if they're killed in a certain way?
they release a certain chemical that tells the ants that they're dead and needs to be properly disposed/buried.

speaking of pests, I have mice in my room and I just noticed that they're cmstarting to chew up my side table really badly. I'm about to go to the store tomorrow and buy some mouse traps/poison cause I've had enough of this crap. they are not gonna destroy my room while I'm away at school.
I’ve been trying to grow a short beard to look more mature and progress has been slow. The outline is filling in the way I like, but it’s too short to look any good. For that reason I’m embarrassed to show my face in public. Hopefully it’ll be ready in a few weeks...
Ack, I really wanna start conversations with some mutual friends in a group chat but I don't wanna bother them. Plus, they'll be heading to high school so I'd also have to find some sort of group this coming year.