What's Bothering You?

That time of year where when you open facebook you get fifty million variations of the same comic showing stormy weather, someone holding a mug of tea with both hands looking at it and saying something like “This is my idea of a perfect
Today I heard my friend from college rant and genuinely believe that 9/11 was a hoax and a conspiracy and that anything that had to with it was made up. We should be mourning for the lives lost, the people who suffered from that event, and more. I don’t wanna talk to her
I have an assignment that was due for my jazz hist class earlier and I had no clue because the prof has laid this class out all over BackBoard and it's really hard to figure out what we're supposed to be doing. like I literally JUST found out that assignments where a submission is due are underlined. It's been 3 weeks and I JUST LEARNED THIS. WHAT.

idk man I'm already so tired of school. now I'm spending my Friday night procrastinating on this assignment because I really have no motivation or desire to work on it, but it was due at like 11:30am so I need to get it done asap. so tired of this crap.
im so out of shape my legs hurt from a 15-min workout yesterday

ive also been perperually sleepy since (online) classes started rjeifjksfj i dont wanna go out today, i just wanna sleep
I'm so exhausted.
I feel drained and I barely know why and for what reason. Not to mention I need to send emails frequently about stuff that I can hardly put into words.
Plus, this pandemic. I just want it to end, please. It was only supposed to be a 2-week break from school.
I have so much I want to say but I shouldn't be pessimistic.
i can’t handle feeling like this anymore. it’s too much and it’s not fair.
Today I heard my friend from college rant and genuinely believe that 9/11 was a hoax and a conspiracy and that anything that had to with it was made up. We should be mourning for the lives lost, the people who suffered from that event, and more. I don’t wanna talk to her
Yeah and then there are people also wondering why people mourn lolol :|

Anyway, USPS maybe you should state that you can't deliver to certain places due to fires/covid-19 instead of losing everyone's **** 🙃
some cringe people like do u even think before u write (not above person just stuff i see everywhere)
lmfao we have a group project due in december and i only opened the file today,,
and i kid you not it was already COMPLETE and i hadn't contributed a single ounce of word in there. hjdsghsf no one left me anything to do man. i ended up adding just a few sentences and proofreading but holy heck i feel bad for not working on it earlier. it's not that i don't do my work, it's just that i procrastinate and do them later, so to see an already complete file by the time i actually have the energy to start working on it just. feelsbadman

anyway i honestly dont think anyone noticed i didnt contribute a whole chunk because we were working as a team so multiple people were working on each part. funny thing is that my friends tell me their groups havent done a single thing yet so i didnt expect my group to actually do something so early hahahaha. i just wanna say that i swear im not someone who doesn't do work, i just do them later than others hjfhffksd
omfg i feel so bad for talking about star wars so much,, no wonder people at school hate me. i get so mad when people talk too much/are annoying but then i only think about stuff i like,,, i must be so ****ty to be around. i get super annoyed and yell at everyone at a moment’s notice and i hate that i do that. i get mad when people don’t understand my boundaries or thinking,, (without me even trying to explain) like what the **** is wrong with me???
Me: I'm finally gonna paint my nails :D

*polish on thumb gets jacked so I go to take it off to start over but then the cottonball with the acetone gets stuck on my other hand ruining the top coat on that hand also

Okay **** me Ig I'm not gonna paint my nails today why does such a simple task have to turn into a whole damn ordeal. Now I have an uneven top coat on both hands and leftover purple polish on 3 fingers cause I couldn't get it all off.
I accidentally ate all of my mom’s food and now she’s mad at me and calls me inconsiderate and selfish for the 100th time. She did the same thing a while ago and embarrassed me at the supermarket as she was yelling at me and crying and my dad taking her side. I said I was sorry and felt guilty but she won’t take it. She said that she’s going to be mad the whole day. Why am I so forgetful and unaware of other people’s feelings? I try hard to please my parents but if I misstep then I get yelled at and all of a sudden I have a personality change.
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I’m gonna need everything to work out so perfectly in order to get this line up


I literally need the stars to align y’all 😂
Me: I'm finally gonna paint my nails :D

*polish on thumb gets jacked so I go to take it off to start over but then the cottonball with the acetone gets stuck on my other hand ruining the top coat on that hand also

Okay **** me Ig I'm not gonna paint my nails today why does such a simple task have to turn into a whole damn ordeal. Now I have an uneven top coat on both hands and leftover purple polish on 3 fingers cause I couldn't get it all off.

I feel you. Its even more frustrating when you think they’re all dry so it seems safe to go touch something, but little did you know that they’re actually still wet and they end up smudging :confused:

Painting my nails just seems like a 3 hour affair. 20% of the time involves actually painting the nails, and the other 80% is having to wait around for them to dry and being cautious of what I’m doing.
Me: I'm finally gonna paint my nails :D

*polish on thumb gets jacked so I go to take it off to start over but then the cottonball with the acetone gets stuck on my other hand ruining the top coat on that hand also

Okay **** me Ig I'm not gonna paint my nails today why does such a simple task have to turn into a whole damn ordeal. Now I have an uneven top coat on both hands and leftover purple polish on 3 fingers cause I couldn't get it all off.
Oh noooo. Which top coat do you use? D: