My day at work was going just fine until my manager randomly brought up a customer who reported me a week or two ago. Her husband is a supervisor and she knows how the place I work goes, like rules and procedure and such. She reported me for sighing, which I didn't even realize I did, and my asst store manager had to talk to me about it.
Anyway fast forward to today. My manager says he was tired so I asked if he wanted me to put away the flour bags (they each weigh 40 pounds). He laughed, asked if I was for real, then said no blantly. Like damn I was just tryin to be nice he said he was tired. He then out of nowhere brings up the lady who reported me and tells me to get right and that if I have a problem with one more customer that he will see to it that I don't work there anymore. He basically threatened to fire me if one more customer reports me.
He just pisses me off. He doesn't get that he stressed me out that entire week because I was working 10 days in row during a busy time. I remember even before ThanksGiving being tired and borderline depressed. That is coming to be almost a month ago and yet here I am, thinking I was getting over it. I wasn't tired or stressed anymore, I was getting sleep, I was doing fine at my job and with the customers. But he had to threaten my job like that, sending me back down. I shouldn't be crying over a job that treats me like ****, doesn't pay the bills and makes me hate life. I don't have anythin holding me back, I could quit right now and be just fine, I have no one relying on me to bring in money and provide for. I don't even provide for me. And yet, I'm internally freakin out at work, wondering who's it gonna be that sets me off, what shift is it gonna be. It'll prob be an opening shift, cause I'm always tired and irritable. And I haven't even snapped at a customer, there has never been a time that I loose everything and **** hits the fan. I don't yell at customers. I've cried too many times already over my job that doesn't do me any good. Why doesn't he get that I feel as if he treats me like crap? Why is he such an ***HOLE.
I don't need this on my mind during the holiday season, I need to be focused on doing my job fast cause it's only gonna get worse from here. Christmas is coming in just a few days and I can't be pre-occupied with the thought of losing my job if some ***hole wants to ruin my day. Maybe that ***** should have asked me what's wrong instead of being a ****ing **** and reporting me. No one seems to ****ing care.
AND to top off the end of my day, the decorators messed up on a cake order and I had to hear it from a customer. She then places another intricate order so I have to write out the notes for it and really describe what she wants. We tell customers to bring in a picture of what they want, but she said she can't, ***** my unsavvy tech *** can print a picture from my phone. She was already mad about her previous cake so I took pics with my phone, sent them to my manager so he could send them to a decorator since I don't have any of their numbers. He just goes on about how they are off the clock and that the customer can call in and say what she wants. UH NO, THEY ALREADY MESSED UP A PHONE ORDER WITH THAT LADY.
I'm just so ready to give up. I don't want to take this anymore. I keep seeing myself get mad at a customer or my manager that I just throw my apron down and walk out.