What's Bothering You?

Today is the birthday of a friend I no longer talk with. It’s a friend I stuck up for only to be tossed away. A friend that started lies and rumors to make people turn against me. I should be glad that such a toxic relationship is no longer, but I can’t help but feel bad. It hurts more knowing this friend is still friends with my other friends.

wtf. that is really unprofessional to complain about your clients. i’m sorry you have to deal with that ****. i wish there was something you could do to get them in trouble or something for mismanagement. Isn’t it against policy to talk about clients (like HIPAA; not sure what kind of job this is).
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oof I feel this so much (just in a different way). I’m sorry. :( if you need to vent or want to talk about something fun like FE to distract yourself, I’d be happy to talk or listen. No pressure though.
wtf. that is really unprofessional to complain about your clients. i’m sorry you have to deal with that ****. i wish there was something you could do to get them in trouble or something for mismanagement. Isn’t it against policy to talk about clients (like HIPAA; not sure what kind of job this is
Oh no, it wasn’t them. I was just upset that they basically gave my client to someone else for the day for no reason other than they messed up. My client called me upset that they did that especially because the person they sent was acting weird. They’ve been doing this sort of thing lately and it’s not ok because they’re messing up my lively hood and messing up clients routines for no reason. It’s beyond frustrating at this point.
Oh no, it wasn’t them. I was just upset that they basically gave my client to someone else for the day for no reason other than they messed up. My client called me upset that they did that especially because the person they sent was acting weird. They’ve been doing this sort of thing lately and it’s not ok because they’re messing up my lively hood and messing up clients routines for no reason. It’s beyond frustrating at this point.

dang :( I’m sorry.
Also, is it just me, or does anyone else feel somewhat uncomfortable doing work and things on the laptop or other electronic devices around certain people? I just feel like they may think that I am 'lazy' just because I'm doing it on a electronic device -- but the world has changed so much compared to decades ago, so now you can check various things like your billing, homework assignments, etc. Maybe I just think this way due to living with my grandparents and them not really knowing the whole Interweb thing --- and also, overhearing from one of them that I shouldn't have that much work, that I'm just faking it (though, that was said when I was still in high school, but perhaps it's a factor for why I feel like this?). Anyhoo, that's just me. But I wonder if anyone else has felt something similar.
oof I feel this so much (just in a different way). I’m sorry. :( if you need to vent or want to talk about something fun like FE to distract yourself, I’d be happy to talk or listen. No pressure though.

Thank you. :) I really appreciate it. 💜
funny how when I start setting a boundary with my mom she immediately interprets it as me being heartless and self-centered. like no gdi I have hyperactive anxiety and ASD and a multitude of mental health issues, I really need to live for myself and take care of myself before I can help others, considering my very limited mental/social energy. im sorry if setting a boundary sounds like I'm being mean but I'm tired of being submissive, of being pushed around by everyone and only making others happy while I stay miserable. I'm really tired of it.
why tf is my pc opening image files in paint now, and why do they take like a minute to load... it wasnt do it like that this afternoon....
its actually really funny how much stress my computer causes me because i keep it so clean and well maintained, and yet my old crummy laptop that i clogged full of so much stuff for years never had a single issue, honestly i dont know if its karma or what but its driving me insane
I’m depressed about this mousepad and picture and frame of my cat that my ex never gave back to me. he let his mom throw out the mousepad that he asked me to leave there a visit before i broke up with him. can’t get it back because it came with a ghost in the shell dvd. and i may have digital picture saved on floppy somewhere downstairs and not sure if i can find the frame anywhere again. it was one of my favorites of my cat :(.
why tf is my pc opening image files in paint now, and why do they take like a minute to load... it wasnt do it like that this afternoon....
its actually really funny how much stress my computer causes me because i keep it so clean and well maintained, and yet my old crummy laptop that i clogged full of so much stuff for years never had a single issue, honestly i dont know if its karma or what but its driving me insane
I have a feeling you should get a hard drive for backing up your files as soon as possible. Your laptop might be going crazy right now.
I have a feeling you should get a hard drive for backing up your files as soon as possible. Your laptop might be going crazy right now.
yeah if more of this happens i'm going to factory reset this pc, i dont have a lot install on this pc at all besides games so i dont really need to back up anything (all my important files are already on an external drive that i dont have in unless im working) but theres been so many weird things going on with this ever since i fixed a black screen issue, for instance i cant even update my pc. its kind of crazy but yeah i am starting to think theres something very wrong under the hood
My parents have been in the hospital recovering from post-covid syndrome for the past two weeks and I'm stuck watching my younger siblings (all under 8) and I love them so I'm doing it, but it has been incredibly depressing and stressful and I just really want them home
I had to deal with a situation similar to this like two or three years ago. It really is rough and nerve-racking, especially during such trying and uncertain times. I understand and know where you're coming from. I'm sorry that you're going through this. I know it is hard, but they are recovering, so that is good news.

I get that. Every time my ex-friends' birthday comes around, I'm kind of reminded of them. It is better to have them out of your life, even if they still come to mind whenever there is an anniversary or something of the such. Sometimes I wonder if they will ever come to terms of how terrible of a friend they were to everyone who supported them, but then I remind myself that they're not worth my time or respect because they couldn't bother to give it to any of the others.

I'm sorry that you had to be hurt by them. I may not know you all that well, but you seem to be a very kind and caring person from what I have seen. So you deserve good friends!
God, can my mom just jump off a bridge? I'm sorry to sound so cruel, but her little martyr attitude makes me so upset. Plus her delusional mind, thinking I'm being brainwashed by Democrats/commies -- thinking that they're teaching kids to break away from their family, teaching them bad morals, etc... I do not know where she gets this. It's some vietnamese podcast.

Anyways, I'm so damn upset at this because she is the one breaking apart the family. With all her rants and narcissistic behavior, and... I've been helping out the family too. Remember that I stayed for the summer because grandma broke her leg? I've been helping out a bit. Yet for her to just say that us kids are being brainwashed to not care about our families... does she not see what is in front of her? Or realize that what she's saying hurts?

Doesn't help that I struggle with depression.

I hope Mommie Dearest falls off a cliff.

And, for some people in my life who think I'm just a disrespectful child -- yeah, perhaps you're right. I am disrespectful. I'm sorry that I've lost touch with my family even after my mom has threatened me, gotten physical with me, screams and pities herself everyday, tried to do an exorcism on me, believed that I was possessed or brainwashed by commies, and all these things. But, you know, I guess I've never really gotten into detail with you guys. So I guess you didn't know the extent of my resentment then when you said that. Still, I would have kept my ****ing yap shut. You don't know what a child goes through.
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yeah if more of this happens i'm going to factory reset this pc, i dont have a lot install on this pc at all besides games so i dont really need to back up anything (all my important files are already on an external drive that i dont have in unless im working) but theres been so many weird things going on with this ever since i fixed a black screen issue, for instance i cant even update my pc. its kind of crazy but yeah i am starting to think theres something very wrong under the hood

just want to update this and say that it somehow fixed itself without me doing anything

honestly this computer is cursed
The fact so much money are put into warfare/smart climate cars/space trips rather than researching and providing free healthcare to people who really need it, especially when it comes to cancer-related stuff. I mean yeah sometimes it's too spread and you can't do anything but to let the person live with it but yeah society is wack.
Summer has officially arrived back in the UK and it's bloomin' warm and set to get warmer tomorrow and for most of next week... fun times ahead especially when going back to work on Monday in a building with no air conditioning. 😫