What's Bothering You?

Life got worse, and now I think I'm offically broken. Nothing in life is going well.

Whenever I think something is getting better, something worse happens. I don't know how much more I can take

Hey, CylieDanny. Just wanted to say I’ve read this and I think another one of your posts and I can really relate to how you’re feeling. Seems like the same thing keeps happening to me. I go forward into each new day, however, not giving up and doing my best to make the best of things, even when life keeps throwing negative things in my face. I don’t know what may have happened in your life to cause this, but I sincerely hope you get relief from it soon and that your days start getting better. If you ever need someone to talk to or vent to my profile and DMs are open. :)
I mean, I'm not going to lie. I do have a good bit of my posts within the last month being in one of the rant threads probably. So I can get that being old.

I'm sorry to hear about your cat's situation, but at least they're getting the treatment that they need. My two kittens have two litter boxes. I don't know how many you have, but it wouldn't hurt to get two of them if you don't.

I can totally understand games frustrating you. Sometimes I have to leave the online scene from Smash because the people online can be very toxic. Or there's this one game I am enjoying right now, but oh gosh the loading times are horrid. Takes way too long to start the game and if I have to reload a save (because dying or messing up enough is so easy) and it's such a huge time sink for the wrong reasons.

I hate when that happens. Usually happens when I'm at the hardware store. Then I have to go back because I just really want to get whatever project it is done and over lol.

nothing wrong with posting the same thing in the rant thread; if there is then I should stop complaining in this thread about some things that have been bothering me for months or years 😅. people can just block or ignore the posts or just not go in the rant thread.

thanks so much :). yeah i am glad we can treat her; it is just expensive. i was a little worried it would be like the appointment when we brought her sister to the vet and :/…yeah…

We used to have a couple of litter boxes when we had four to six cats here but now that is just the two, we have only one. I don’t think my mom will listen if I suggest giving them two again, just let her complain about the pee that she is cleaning outside if the litter box, I guess.

oh the game made me mad because this event just came out today and they have something called slay rewards after you kill so many enemies and the day rewards reset to day two only after a few hours of being out. but yeah toxicity gets me too which is part of the reason I stopped playing ranked overwatch matches.
I entered a competition and got the first mention for runner up
Problem is, the first place winner seemed super lame. Where as I know my entry was heartfelt and genuine.

I feel I should have won.

No I don't... I feel someone else should have won..

I feel the winner did not deserve it at all.

They gave a good entry, but it wasn't one that should have won.

I dunno, just has bugged me all night.

Would have been fine if I wasn't the first mention as a runner up
I enjoyed the stream but still crabby and drained and frustrated.

I need to start on the food drawing (not sure which one I want to draw yet) soon and also do a drawing for a friend, but I still have no energy. I feel bad for the delay and also am worried that at this rate I’ll stop drawing ><.
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I reeeally want to get to know the people in my office better I.e. get to know the managers better. I like chatting and banter and all that, and I just feel so left out all the time. I want to be involved :(

speaking of, how do u even make friends as an adult lol. Do u just meet someone and be like wanna be my friend?

I'm in a predicament where I want friends but am also too socially anxious to make any lol.

I don't know what I'm doing in life anymore and I don't know what I want. I'm just confused.
10 days til payday, woo lol. Also i should probably take those dresses to dry-cleaning but idk what you say there "yah hi i need those washed?" lol.
I have another 10 and a half hour day of working tomorrow and I don’t want to go to bed I’m also feeling sad, but I’m not even sure why.
It's barely past 10am in the morning here why is somebody blasting music oh my goodness.
I know how you feel! My brother does it ALL THE TIME! -_-
See, our rooms right next to each other so I cab hear even the littlest noises come from his room. I blast music back to see if he will hear and get a taste of his own medicine.

People forget that there is a brilliant thing out there called headphones.
I’m not as depressed as yesterday, but the feeling of being alone is still bad. Even during that toxic relationship I still felt this way. I’m just so isolated emotionally. No matter how much I spend time and open up with people, the loneliness creeps back in.
Imagine being a mother and not being able to handle the truth and letting your new husband call your pregnant daughter disabled.
Sounds horrible, right? Well. That's what just happened to me. Her husband wrote me a letter, making it sound like it's a letter from
my mother and turns out it was just a whole page of him pretty much talking me down down down, like I'm a horrible person etc.
Oh and of course that I am now disabled, because of my pregnancy hormons! Man, and here I am sitting since literally a week now,
being depressed for hurting my mother with the truth and that's what I get for it.. I'm sorry Mom, I never wanted to hurt you, but you
don't want to listen to the truth. There is a reason why my fiancé AND my father advised me to stop the contact with you.
I never listened, because I was stubborn, thinking I could save the relationship, but no. They were right and now I am the disabled,
pregnant ***** for it. Thank you a lot, that is exactly what I needed 2 month before the birth of my own child.
I will hate myself forever if I ever end up treating my child like that, because it's simply unacceptable. And I wanted to write a letter
yesterday night to my Mother to give her another chance, lol. Stupid me. The letter I recived today made me literally sick in the
stomach. I had barely any pregnancy symptoms so far and here I am, barely able to get away from the toilet now, because of how
sick this situation made me. All that, just because I wanted to know if she could make it to see my baby or not, but her being too
scared to ever say the truth. Life sucks.
woke up at 4:30 and now I can't go back to sleep 😑
heads up don't drink like 10oz of water right before bed lol

also (side note, my friend has been staying w us for a while) every single day my mom messages me abt how my friend keeps leaving trash in her room and hangs out in there a lot even though my mom doesn't like it at all. I told her before to just tell her to go do something else and to pick up her trash, but I suppose if my mom were actually assertive in any way then she wouldn't have married a narcissist 🙃
so yeah I had to send my friend a message, I guess I gotta be the one to set boundaries in the house from now on cause clearly no one else has any ****ing clue how to lol
Still finding it hard to process my dad's passing away even 5 months later. Feel like my mind and emotions have just been dulled to a point where I don't even know myself anymore.
Wtf my job would be great if it wasn’t for the people in the office. They took me off of my he schedule for this morning this is the one place I love going to and gave it to someone else to fill in for me for no reason at all. They told me that I can go fill in for someone else. No thanks I don’t want to go to some strangers house this morning I’d like that to go to my regular client please. Whatever at least I don’t have to work for 10 hours today. I’m just going to go to my afternoon client later and call it good.

Edit: they just called me complaining about this lady they sent saying she seems like she’s high on something and that they need to hide it their medication and how they don’t understand why she’s here and not me. I mean, same. I feel bad and it’s not even my fault.
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Still finding it hard to process my dad's passing away even 5 months later. Feel like my mind and emotions have just been dulled to a point where I don't even know myself anymore.

Feeling the same, but with my mom’s passing last December. Life doesn’t feel real for me right now because of it. 😔

If you ever want to talk about it let me know. :)


My dad comes into my room while I’m sleeping and calls me a lazy **** because I’m not checking my e-mail constantly for job interviews or anything. ***** I just checked it after I got up and still no e-mails from anyone. What the **** do you want from me? SMH.