What's Bothering You?

it's 1am, I just woke up on accident and then the darned light came on my Wii from RiiConnect24 lmao 😑😑
irks me when you do kind gestures for someone and they take advantage of it by expecting it every time. on top of that, they call you impolite names to push your buttons and proceed to get upset when you explode in front of them.
honestly reallllllllly tired of feeling like this these days and just want to escape to a new place.
I feel like I've caused a bunch of miscommunications at work and I feel pretty crappy about it. I'm just forcing myself not to think about it otherwise I'll just end up overthinking it.

also with the thing for applying for jobs with autism, do you guys have to declare that in an application/interview? I didn't think that would be necessary, or there would be a law somewhere where you wouldn't have to state anything like that
I feel like I've caused a bunch of miscommunications at work and I feel pretty crappy about it. I'm just forcing myself not to think about it otherwise I'll just end up overthinking it.

also with the thing for applying for jobs with autism, do you guys have to declare that in an application/interview? I didn't think that would be necessary, or there would be a law somewhere where you wouldn't have to state anything like that
you're not required to but if you're like me and autism causes you to function a lot differently than most people, then not telling your employer would be miscommunication and would put both of you at a disadvantage.

also I wouldn't worry too much about what you're saying regarding miscommunication, that's something that I personally deal with all the time when communicating with people. it's because we just process things differently than others do, there's no need to be ashamed of that. if it causes a problem then just let them know that you didn't realize what they were trying to say and maybe ask for clarification.
irks me when you do kind gestures for someone and they take advantage of it by expecting it every time. on top of that, they call you impolite names to push your buttons and proceed to get upset when you explode in front of them.
honestly reallllllllly tired of feeling like this these days and just want to escape to a new place.
I get that. I hate that a lot of people take kindness and generosity as a weakness. I have no idea who started that, but it's so stupid. It takes more energy to be polite/kind and helpful/generous, especially to those who don't deserve it.

boss who doesnt believe in covid and also attended a large out of state gathering last week came to our small office super sick. i wont get my second shot for another two weeks soooo hoping its not covid ;-;
Dang sorry to hear that. Even if covid weren't happening, going somewhere sick is a jerk-move. Just do your best to keep clean and limit your presence with them if possible. Easier said than done. Hope you're able to get your last shot without any issues!

@TheSillyPuppy I hope that everything is alright with your family and that all the tests come out negative!
- Rather depressed this week and I don't know why. Also feeling quite lonely, because my fiancé is gone for work.. but even when he's there I feel lonely, ugh

- I asked my brother what he got for his birthday and he said mainly Amazon giftcards and money.. well, I was planning on buying him some Pokemoncard packs, but after checking 10 shops and online I couldn't find any, so without knowing about the presents he got I actually got a.. Amazon giftcard for him and now I feel really lame. At least I made the card myself and Pokemon themed, I guess. :(

- Still couldn't collect the Urin from my cat to get it tested. I don't understand how she can refuse so hard to pee in a clean spot, lol.
i went to the dentist 2 weeks ago and my dad got the results today and i might need jaw surgery + braces because my jaw and teeth are so f’d up. i’m scared
I feel like my friend is avoiding me or doesn't want to hangout with me because every time I ask to hangout she's busy and says she'll be busy for a while. I always say something along the lines of just text me when you're free then and never get a response again. Usually I understand cause she genuinely is busy with stuff but I know she's just been hanging out with her boyfriend and other friends instead so it irks me. Especially since she always says "we need to hangout more" when we do meet up or randomly see each other.
also with the thing for applying for jobs with autism, do you guys have to declare that in an application/interview? I didn't think that would be necessary, or there would be a law somewhere where you wouldn't have to state anything like that

It actually depends on the application itself. If there’s an area at the end or somewhere else that clearly states that you verify that all information entered is accurate and true, and anything that isn’t true could bar you from getting hired, then yes, it is required that you check yes to the disability section. If it doesn’t have that, then like xSuperMario64x said, it’s not required. Unfortunately more often than not the applications I’ve submitted have made me verify everything I’m submitting is true. And even if it doesn’t require it and I don’t put it, that can cause miscommunication between the employer and employee (again like xSuperMario64x mentioned). It’s a lose-lose situation and really frustrating to deal with, especially because just because I have autism doesn’t mean I can’t do the same job someone else can.
you're not required to but if you're like me and autism causes you to function a lot differently than most people, then not telling your employer would be miscommunication and would put both of you at a disadvantage.

also I wouldn't worry too much about what you're saying regarding miscommunication, that's something that I personally deal with all the time when communicating with people. it's because we just process things differently than others do, there's no need to be ashamed of that. if it causes a problem then just let them know that you didn't realize what they were trying to say and maybe ask for clarification.
It actually depends on the application itself. If there’s an area at the end or somewhere else that clearly states that you verify that all information entered is accurate and true, and anything that isn’t true could bar you from getting hired, then yes, it is required that you check yes to the disability section. If it doesn’t have that, then like xSuperMario64x said, it’s not required. Unfortunately more often than not the applications I’ve submitted have made me verify everything I’m submitting is true. And even if it doesn’t require it and I don’t put it, that can cause miscommunication between the employer and employee (again like xSuperMario64x mentioned). It’s a lose-lose situation and really frustrating to deal with, especially because just because I have autism doesn’t mean I can’t do the same job someone else can.
That’s interesting to know, and perhaps something I hadn’t thought of, thank you guys for your input! Sorry to hear that it can be so hard for you guys. I hope both of you find a decent employer and job that suits :)

thanks for the advice SM64! In the job I’m in right now I’ve realised my communication isn’t as good as I thought it was. I have a crippling fear of failure and dislike for people not liking me, and just really don’t want my miscommunications to result in either of those :’)
@TheSillyPuppy I hope that everything is alright with your family and that all the tests come out negative!
Thank you so much! 💜 Happy to say that my S/O's results came back negative, which is such a big relief. Big thank-you again to @moo_nieu and @-Lumi- for sending over well wishes, too! *virtual group hug* 🥰
gotta love waking up at 6am in a cold sweat and subsequently panicking about upcoming deadlines and wishing you could time travel back to the past bc you're a procrastinator but then physics and reality hit you all at once and more panic ensures.

but it's ok, like 90% of it is in my head
Another pair of my jeans ripped 😣 I thankfully can afford to replace them however I don't have any time to go shopping for the next while which means I'll have very few clothing options until then
I really don’t/never wanted drama I just want to hang out, chill, and share laughter with others. Is that so much to ask? I feel like I have let my guard down too much and opened myself up emotionally too easily lately and I’ve paid for it enough to the point that I’ve felt things within myself I didn’t even know existed. I’ve been freezing up and stuttering and I have no words sometimes especially in conflicts irl. I’ve been through a lot of traumatic experiences when I was little and I’ve never felt these things until now. I really don’t even know what to think.It could be my Tuesday Wednesday person yelling and smacking her SO, at least I’m sure that it doesn’t help at all.
My new medication has helped a ton with my loneliness and depression, but the side effects are taxing. Of the many side effects I’m worried the most about weight gain. Ever since I’ve started taking it I stopped feeling full. I’d take more walks to burn the extra calories, but the smoke from the “bootleg fire” has ruined the air quality. I can’t walk outside without feeling short of breath. At least the fires aren’t as bad as two years ago. The sky turned orange and red back then.
lowkey salty the game was so expensive for a non-major release and the fact i had to hunt across town to just walk in for a physical copy but yea glad i have it, great stuff! Also glad they kept the OG japanese voices if there's something i hate it's those games dubbed.
Even though I’m still sad and hurting, I feel a lot lighter today happier. I think I’ve been too focused on negativity, so I’m going to post in here a lot less from now on.
People are still making AMVs with Linkin Park music.
AMVs are still a thing?

I just asked a question on reddit for subs like diy and home improvement about methods for odor removal. Preferably for antique furniture that retains that stinky must smell. After wasting my time typing a question, my post gets downvoted to oblivion with the only commenter saying 'pics would help'

lol like how would a picture help? Pictures don't capture smell. They capture images. I could fart and take a picture, but that fart isn't going to show up in the image. I swear some people are just stupid on there and probably don't even bother reading. I just asked for home remedy and go to cures for getting rid of stinks.