What's Bothering You?

Still pissed off they removed up next/alarm widgets in iOS 14 and the fact that there are no completely ad-free free alarm widgets for iOS.
Trying to download my vaccine passport so I can keep going into restaurants and other places but the website is slow & crappy. I might have to call instead and get my partner & I's vax card sent to the house.
I've had a burning sensation in my stomach for the last few hours, hopefully eating helps but if this pain doesn't go away by tomorrow I'll have to call the doctor. I really hope it's not an ulcer, my mom said it could be since I've been so stressed out lately :(

Whenever I feel burning in my stomach (not frequent but sometimes), it usually helps me to drink milk. You could try it? If it's only that, perhaps something you ate didn't settle well with you. But if it starts to actually being painful, definitely check it with a doctor! Make sure it's nothing actually serious. Or if it is (which I wish you not), take care before it becomes complicated!
luckily that burning pain finally went away, not sure how long it took as I had to go out driving for a bit and kinda forgot about it, but I'm glad it went away. here's hoping it doesnt come back.

in worse news I've been having this issue for the last 4 days where I suddenly get super tired right after I eat lunch. my mom said that could be a sign of diabetes. I know I have hypoglycemia, idk if that could have anything to do with it. but this issue just recently started so I guess if it continues through the end of the week I'll have to have that checked out too! 🙄
Pleeease hire some help at work for the back, the person who does help out in the back keeps doing front stuff. Plus, it's the busy season, so we're busier now. I don't think my boss is adamant about it cause it doesn't directly affect her, she replaced the groomer within like 2 days, but it's been over a month and the back area is still short staffed.

Like I can handle cleaning up the back area alone, and I even prefer to do it myself cause everyone is is skimpy with cleaning🙄 or forgets stuff, but drying off 2 huskies with a crappy blow dryer by myself? Not fun.
Coming down with a fever (probably due to the vaccine from yesterday). Ordered some acetaminophen, so hopefully that will help with both the muscle soreness and the fever.
I will never understand why people on Nookazon give me and others 1 star reviews just because they made a mistake and they have no idea how to deal with criticism. Now I remember why I quit that site last year. I had to file several reports because of abusive 1 star reviews. They damaged my mental health and really made me step away from trading for good.
I will never understand why people on Nookazon give me and others 1 star reviews just because they made a mistake and they have no idea how to deal with criticism. Now I remember why I quit that site last year. I had to file several reports because of abusive 1 star reviews. They damaged my mental health and really made me step away from trading for good.
Ugh, revenge rating? I hate when people do that. It makes ratings seem not so accurate these days. :( I’ve never experienced a revenge rating myself, but Nookazon seems filled with those.
Ugh, revenge rating? I hate when people do that. It makes ratings seem not so accurate these days. :( I’ve never experienced a revenge rating myself, but Nookazon seems filled with those.
It was a miscommunication I had with this seller who posted a review, before we did the trade. I was saying to them "I hope you have the diy" basically I was giving them 100 nmts for a Golden Slingshot DIY and I was hoping she did not trade it away to the wrong person. Thankfully when I went to their island they apologized for their mistake and they gave me the DIY. I gave her a 4 star review saying that although they made a mistake the trade went well. Then for whatever reason she just went crazy and give me a 1 star review, just because of the rating I gave her. Ugh! It really bothers me when people do that.
As most of you know, I currently live with my dad. He is letting me stay with him for free to save money and leave the state. Unfortunately, my mom is back at it with the negativity. I hate to say it, but I can’t stand being around her sometimes because she always says things like “it didn’t work out last time” or “why don’t you just stay here?” I’ve been wanting to leave for upwards 7 or 8 years, and I’ve been trying to pursue it since graduation. I don’t think that many years is “just a phase.” I blame my own negativity for the reason it didn’t work out the past two times I tried. The negativity from my mom and my uncles were killing my mindset. I actually blocked out my uncles and I haven’t seen them in over 4 years. However, it’s really hard to do that with my mom and somehow it makes me feel wrong to cut contact with her temporarily? It would just be until I get approved for an apartment and moved in. I can’t listen to “when are you coming back” or “you’ll be back where you belong” much longer. I feel this is the right time for the leap of faith. I have a whole month booked in an AirBNB to look for a job and a place, and savings in case I need more time, and for the rent down on a place. I finally have the confidence I need and I don’t want the negativity to bring me down, but I think cutting contact for the beginning of this journey is absolutely necessary.

The negativity got so far into my mindset that I couldn’t even find the motivation to call apartments to attempt to find a place…

Sorry that you’re dealing with that. That sounds incredibly frustrating. I am glad you have the confidence! Gl! Sending you good vibes and hope you can get out of this situation. :) 🍀
I hate that I've put off getting my dog's flea collar for so long but they're really pricey ugh 😔
luckily my mom said she would help me pay for it.
Still depressed about things and can't get a good job. There's no point in trying anymore...

Don't be so hard on yourself! :cry: I know it's not easy, I've been there... probably many people here have been there as well. It may take time, and I understand feeling down when you're discouraged... but don't give up! Breathe calmly, perhaps give yourself a break? Think of things that may make you feel better, like hobbies... or even just taking a nap and let yourself rest it's good. There are no perpetually bad times, the good ones must come around eventually.

I know that my words won't help much, but please remember to be nice to yourself :giggle:
had to stay an hour extra cause the slow truck guys who pick up/leave books obviously had to come last minute (my co-worker couldn't stay cause she had to go early)... like bruh at least try and be somewhat on time *rolls eyes*
I couldn’t sleep last night and then overslept. I tried to make one of this pancake in a cup things and burned it because 60min and 60 seconds are not the same thing. Just tired and out of it. My house now smells like burnt popcorn. Also these people are getting their house bombed for cockroaches next week and last time it made me feel sick to come here
Ugh, revenge rating? I hate when people do that. It makes ratings seem not so accurate these days. :( I’ve never experienced a revenge rating myself, but Nookazon seems filled with those.
Also I realized that people on Nookazon are way too perfect and relying on the 5 star rating. The person who gave me a 1 star review had 133 reviews and all of them were 5 stars and the moment I gave her a 4 star because I was trying to point out the mistake and even though I was being nice and genuine she lashed out. Maybe sometimes people feel "pressured" to give others a 5 star review because if they don't they will start to get what you call "revenge reviews" even though you are being honest and pointed out mistakes that can be improved.

This is a common issue I see on that site and I spoke to a mod about it and they say that they get a lot of reports of "Invalid/abuse Reviews" and its something that they have a hard time dealing with. I just don't get why people are so sensitive sometimes. Nobody should feel "pressured" to give someone a 5 star review rating just because they made a mistake, there should be honest reviews that point out what went wrong and to warn others of what to look out for when trading with other people. Its a messy situation thats for sure.
I'm depressed, and the room is a mess. Thankfully my roommate is in isolation because of COVID -- it really is a disaster and I need to put things away. I'm depressed.
i've been working seven days a week for about two and a half months now and i'm really starting to feel it. i'm tired all the time and all i do is work and sleep. all of my friendships have taken a hit and i'm mostly alone now. i need to either find a full time job or hope that one of my part time jobs eventually moves full time. i can't take this schedule for much longer.
hate when people don't understand what I'm going through and the mental stress I'm put under every day from myself and others, yet they have the nerve to call me "lazy" because I don't have a job. like **** you too then.