What's Bothering You?

A male band I once had a lot of respect for have released a song (in the hopes of winning Eurovision) where they depict a woman as nothing more than a sexual predator throughout their song. According the singer the song is meant to be a tribute to empowered women when in fact it's insulting to think that all women love nothing more than to get dressed up, head out on the town and seduce men all night long in order to feel empowered. This horrendous song was also accompanied by a video where the male lead singer is half dressed and gets overly close to the new guitarist who happens to be a woman as well. Anyway it's good to know that some men still see us women as nothing more than sexual objects in their various forms of writing rather than open their warped minds and start viewing us as actual human beings.
dad just kneed me in the leg for sitting on 'his' side of an otherwise vacant sofa. didn't want to move because i was just waiting for my food, which would be here in a few minutes, and, again, the rest of the sofa was vacant. he proceeded to grab me by the collar and try to manhandle me up then barged into my legs several more times. for context, i'm 5'4" and about 91 pounds, he's closer to 6' and triple that weight. no apology. probably won't get one later either. hate this house.
- My vaccine status is now no longer accepted, as I didn't get my booster shot (yet).. on the App of my fiancé it showed the expiration date for his pass, but on mine it didn't and still doesn't. Without him I wouldn't have even known that I'm no longer able to go to Restaurants (not like I go often anyways).. but yeah. Great to be one of the early people that got vaccined and now getting in some way punished for it.

- I feel always guilty for sleeping "longer". My little one still wakes up 2 or 3 times a night, so I don't get a lot of deep sleep and I end up laying in bed until 10h or so, depending how long she let's me of course. But I also take a nap sometimes and in general, besides feeding and playing with her I don't have time / motivation for a lot of other things and I feel like I'm doing something wrong, when I see how others are capable of having such a active lifestyle with a baby and I can barely hold the household together.. is it reasonable to feel guilty to take a nap sometimes and stay longer in bed, while my fiancé (who luckily doesn't wake up from the crying in the night) is unable to stay so long in bed? I don't know, but I feel bad for it, but can't help it as I'm so tired it's just impossible for me to do otherwise at the moment T-T
being sick and depressed is actually the worst combination ever bc you can't mentally do anything and you can't physically do anything either, so you just lie there like a dead piece of meat waiting to get better.

also learned today that my anti-depressant still isn't working like it should, so if I try a new medication this will literally be like the fourth new one I've had to try bc none of the others work 🙃🙃🙃
i have no motivation to play ac atm, i haven’t played for like a week. i also want to learn blender to make 3D models but i’m overwhelmed and confused.
wendy's fries are good except they put like 5 tablespoons of salt per fry so I keep having to spit them out ugh 😩
my parents have such ugly personalities and attitudes all of the time, to the point that i can barely stand to be around them and hardly leave my room nowadays. my cat and i need to get the hell out of here, but there’s nowhere for us to go.
im pretty sure i have vertigo, and now it is the only thing that is bothering me. my fever and headache have gone away and both my covid tests came back negative. i want this to go away soooooo bad it is the most uncomfortable feeling ever
i reeeally don’t want to go to school tomorrow. i wish we could go virtual because i don’t want to see/interact anyone in person. i got people phobia
ive been sitting outside in my backyard crying for maybe 10 minutes (its not very long, but my parents sent me back here to do chores out in the dark). my parents completely made my heart shatter today. theyve cracked it enough in the past, but today was the final straw.
I think someone likes me but I don't like them back, nor do I talk to them and I really don't know what to do🙃
im literally totally balled up in this heated blanket but im still shivering. I likely have a fever, should prob take some ibuprofen.

edit: took two ibuprofen, turned up heated blanket from low to medium, curled up in fetal position. still shivering. rip indeed.
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First of all I slipped and fell in the mud, then had to take public transit home covered in mud. Secondly I spent a lot of time thinking about a lot of things but I'm still so undecided on what I want to do 😔😔😔
First of all I slipped and fell in the mud, then had to take public transit home covered in mud. Secondly I spent a lot of time thinking about a lot of things but I'm still so undecided on what I want to do 😔😔😔

hey, I'm sorry for what happened. Though, I still feel like you looked great even covered with mud (I'm not kidding). You surely carried yourself well. I hope you didn't get hurt too much or have bruises or anything. How are you feeling now? Ahh, I hate the feeling of being undecided, confused and probably feeling anxious about lot of things. I've been feeling the same way too, nowadays. Feel free to message/send me a PM if you want to talk about it :)

im literally totally balled up in this heated blanket but im still shivering. I likely have a fever, should prob take some ibuprofen.

edit: took two ibuprofen, turned up heated blanket from low to medium, curled up in fetal position. still shivering. rip indeed.

Get well sooner! You probably just need sleep. Lots of sleep. Hope you feel much better today.
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I don't think I'm very good with people, and making friends. I just wish I knew what I've been doing wrong so I could fix it.