What's Bothering You?

I am sick and tired of all the fearmongering that goes on. I can not tell what’s underestimating or over exaggerating anymore. Nothing seems real. I constantly live my life in fear, and I hate it because that’s what the big people want.
I have to always pick up the slack at work. Am I just slack relief because I move faster than everyone else, making me serve and get tasks done quicker? Seems like almost everyone else at work slacks, one guy in particular who I can not stand. Then my manager gets on me as to why more things were pulled than what production calls for, why more labels were printed then what production calls for, why more things were ordered, like, I wasn't here for this. None of this is my fault, so why does he keep getting on me for it? Am I just takin it too personal, and it's really just him being mad and taking it out on me? Okay but why me then? He has other people to complain to.

Stop treating me like I'm the manager of the front service clerks. These are your employees, you are their manager. You got a problem with it? Tell them, don't tell me. Better yet, you got a problem with me, tell me. Don't tell others to tell me to do somethin cause 'I didn't do it' that's **. He got mad at me for not pulling out all the racks from the fridge one night, when that night I didn't even pull the racks, my asst manager did. I didn't think I had to make sure my asst manager pulled out everythin, so now he thinks I didn't do it. Which is awesome. Like, no, I don't suck at my job, I'm good at closing shift. Assuming everyone does their part as well, which they don't. Which leaves me to square 1, picking up the slack when I get to work.

My muscle I injured earlier in January hurts from my normal walking, or sometimes if I sit for too long. Like this morning while I was waiting for my time to punch in, I was sitting on my phone for prob a little less than half an hour. 10 mins into sitting it starts to get annoyed. Later in the day before I even went on break, it gets annoyed again. This isn't the first time it has happened either, sitting for too long and it gets annoyed, it happens at home as well.

It doesn't really hurt like bad or anythin, like I can still walk and I still lift not light stuff and walk a short distance with it, even thou lifting (wrong or just too much in one day from my normal load) was what caused this. It hasn't affected my work I think, except when I get random flares from turning or walking, no one has said anythin so no one notices. But how much more longer until it does affect my work? It already hurts early on in the day, like, not cool.

Also this ***** at work gave me unwanted advice about my acne. Nothing fails to **** me off faster and more aggravated then when some rando gives me *advice* on what to do with my acne. Oh I'm sorry, is your acne caused by genetics, stress and hormones? No? Okay then shut the **** up, they have absolutely no right to tell me what to do unless they've lived a day and a life in my place. To make matters worse, this person didn't even have acne, they just recommended me celery juice, no water (th?) cause medical benefits *she states none*. Like, I just can't.

Also I still can't see and contacts for austigmatism are EXPENSIVE hot damn. Glasses are also expensive and clearly I have an issue with constantly breaking them (even thou 3 out of 4 times it wasn't my fault and the fourth time I was tired). Eesh I want contacts but 100$ a month? For only 30 dailies? Damn.
I have to always pick up the slack at work. Am I just slack relief because I move faster than everyone else, making me serve and get tasks done quicker? Seems like almost everyone else at work slacks, one guy in particular who I can not stand. Then my manager gets on me as to why more things were pulled than what production calls for, why more labels were printed then what production calls for, why more things were ordered, like, I wasn't here for this. None of this is my fault, so why does he keep getting on me for it? Am I just takin it too personal, and it's really just him being mad and taking it out on me? Okay but why me then? He has other people to complain to.

Stop treating me like I'm the manager of the front service clerks. These are your employees, you are their manager. You got a problem with it? Tell them, don't tell me. Better yet, you got a problem with me, tell me. Don't tell others to tell me to do somethin cause 'I didn't do it' that's **. He got mad at me for not pulling out all the racks from the fridge one night, when that night I didn't even pull the racks, my asst manager did. I didn't think I had to make sure my asst manager pulled out everythin, so now he thinks I didn't do it. Which is awesome. Like, no, I don't suck at my job, I'm good at closing shift. Assuming everyone does their part as well, which they don't. Which leaves me to square 1, picking up the slack when I get to work.

My muscle I injured earlier in January hurts from my normal walking, or sometimes if I sit for too long. Like this morning while I was waiting for my time to punch in, I was sitting on my phone for prob a little less than half an hour. 10 mins into sitting it starts to get annoyed. Later in the day before I even went on break, it gets annoyed again. This isn't the first time it has happened either, sitting for too long and it gets annoyed, it happens at home as well.

It doesn't really hurt like bad or anythin, like I can still walk and I still lift not light stuff and walk a short distance with it, even thou lifting (wrong or just too much in one day from my normal load) was what caused this. It hasn't affected my work I think, except when I get random flares from turning or walking, no one has said anythin so no one notices. But how much more longer until it does affect my work? It already hurts early on in the day, like, not cool.

Also this ***** at work gave me unwanted advice about my acne. Nothing fails to **** me off faster and more aggravated then when some rando gives me *advice* on what to do with my acne. Oh I'm sorry, is your acne caused by genetics, stress and hormones? No? Okay then shut the **** up, they have absolutely no right to tell me what to do unless they've lived a day and a life in my place. To make matters worse, this person didn't even have acne, they just recommended me celery juice, no water (th?) cause medical benefits *she states none*. Like, I just can't.

Also I still can't see and contacts for austigmatism are EXPENSIVE hot damn. Glasses are also expensive and clearly I have an issue with constantly breaking them (even thou 3 out of 4 times it wasn't my fault and the fourth time I was tired). Eesh I want contacts but 100$ a month? For only 30 dailies? Damn.

Regarding work, I'm sorry they treat you like that. Really. Being punished for excelling? Wow. It's almost like "**** I wished I never showed y'all what i could do so you leave me alone." I know you probably don't want more unasked for advice but maybe you do if it's coming from someone who isn't a moron who comments on other peoples appearances? Lol. You do not owe these people your 200%, you owe them what they pay you for and that's it. You deserve to treat your energy as precious as it is. Companies think of us as subhuman worker bees. They are corporate. Like, they're cold as hell. Managers and bosses (even if they're cool sometimes and you guys have had laughs) are an extension of that cold mentality because it's been instilled in them by THEIR higher-up's. It's a flawed system and there is no thriving or pleasing the machine. You do something right 90% of the time, you'll be demeaned for the 10%. Sad but true. I see my dad bust his ass at work and It makes me mad that they always expect his 100% but let people get away with doing their 30%. They only do it because they saw what he could do.
I'll tell you when I told him, slowly return to baseline. Not all at once. Because you run the risk of being fired but match your coworkers. Start doing the bare minimum without getting yelled at. And eventually they will see you as one of the others and stop treating you like mother hen. They're blood suckers, if you play dead, they'll start finding another mommy or daddy in the workplace.
Also I still can't see and contacts for austigmatism are EXPENSIVE hot damn. Glasses are also expensive and clearly I have an issue with constantly breaking them (even thou 3 out of 4 times it wasn't my fault and the fourth time I was tired). Eesh I want contacts but 100$ a month? For only 30 dailies? Damn.

Holy ****
What contacts are they trying to get you to purchase? Even the way-overpriced, speciality dailies one doctor tried pushing on me weren’t that expensive. I’m personally much, much happier with monthly lenses and just bought my year’s supply for $250 last week. Oh, and those correct for astigmatism too btw.
Regarding work, I'm sorry they treat you like that. Really. Being punished for excelling? Wow. It's almost like "**** I wished I never showed y'all what i could do so you leave me alone." I know you probably don't want more unasked for advice but maybe you do if it's coming from someone who isn't a moron who comments on other peoples appearances? Lol. You do not owe these people your 200%, you owe them what they pay you for and that's it. You deserve to treat your energy as precious as it is. Companies think of us as subhuman worker bees. They are corporate. Like, they're cold as hell. Managers and bosses (even if they're cool sometimes and you guys have had laughs) are an extension of that cold mentality because it's been instilled in them by THEIR higher-up's. It's a flawed system and there is no thriving or pleasing the machine. You do something right 90% of the time, you'll be demeaned for the 10%. Sad but true. I see my dad bust his ass at work and It makes me mad that they always expect his 100% but let people get away with doing their 30%. They only do it because they saw what he could do.
I'll tell you when I told him, slowly return to baseline. Not all at once. Because you run the risk of being fired but match your coworkers. Start doing the bare minimum without getting yelled at. And eventually they will see you as one of the others and stop treating you like mother hen. They're blood suckers, if you play dead, they'll start finding another mommy or daddy in the workplace.

Oh yes I'm fine with advice, it's anything about my acne that will make my rage skyrocket. I really shouldn't get so mad so quickly, I do have a temper, but if I wasn't at my job oooooh boy would she have got it. It is no strangers place to give un-wanted, un-asked for, no fact suppling advice like that. Celery cause medical benefits, then tells me to Google it. This isn't the first, and this won't be the last I'll get rude remarks (what happened to your face?) and *advice*.

As for work, I guess, I internalize it to much? Or just let the stress get to me much too easily. Like, I want to do a good job, but when everyone else starts to drag their feet it slows everything down. I was talkin to someone about this and he said I put myself and the others around me to too high of a standard, which is constantly why I'm disappointed (his word not mine) as to why they can't do their jobs. I honestly thought my standards aren't that high: do my job in a timely organized manner in the time allotted to me. For most of the time, I can do it. But recently with everyone else slacking more and more, everything falls on me at the end of the day, literally, as I'm the closer. I'm not allowed to stay past my shift time, so I usually have to leave right at store closing time.

My concern is that when I don't do closing, that I can't slack and leave everything to the closer. People in my department think closing is so boring and easy, when it's not. But they don't know any better, they never do closings. I'd hate to leave so much stuff to do for the closer, but others are allowed to slack and leave all the work to me? Not havin it. There have already been times that I wasn't able to wash all the sheet trays, or clean, or sweep, or whatever.

Holy ****
What contacts are they trying to get you to purchase? Even the way-overpriced, speciality dailies one doctor tried pushing on me weren?t that expensive. I?m personally much, much happier with monthly lenses and just bought my year?s supply for $250 last week. Oh, and those correct for astigmatism too btw.

The ones I was briefly lookin at on VisionWorks' website were 100$ for a 30 pack of Daily use with the astigmatism. IDK the brand, the regular contacts were more affordable, but anything with astigmatism in the name got an INSTANT price hike. Also, I don't have insurance; everythin I pay for comes out of pocket. Costly, yes. I think all the major vision places are overpriced, so I'm going to go to a WalMart and see what they got there. I might end up having to get glasses, which I'd rather not to, but I may not have a choice.

For a little context, 400$ is what I usually drop at VisionWorks for the eye exam, frames, lenses, no coatings and sunglasses with prescription. This is technically part of their 'deal'. Frames can be 80 to 200, but the ones I get are 100ish since my frames are plastic, I can't handle wire frames, they'd break much too soon.

Anyway, thanks to both of you to responding to my RANTS, I need to do more research for contacts and stop letting this job get to me, along with not putting all my sanity in this job for a manager who can't see I am a good worker.
love it when my older sisters talk about me/make it obvious they think I don't know what I want for myself and my own life. Lol. Like we're not kids anymore in case you guys haven't noticed??
I hope this time my uncle doesn?t try to make another excuse for us to not move, it?s a pain to find a place within our budget in this part of the city and the rare times I find something that fits our needs+budget we can?t go :/ I just want my own space and not share with my brothers, one?s tolerable but the other?s an annoying brat (stop bugging the cat 🙏 ) ;; (yes I?m an adult and could just leave but girls in this family aren?t really supposed to leave unless they get married/living with another relative)
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This corona virus is on my mind all the time, I feel like I check the news every 30 minutes. It has reached the town I live in now, and I'm so scared if my aunt, parents or grandparents catch it.
Feels like something is missing...but what?
This corona virus is on my mind all the time, I feel like I check the news every 30 minutes. It has reached the town I live in now, and I'm so scared if my aunt, parents or grandparents catch it.

I?m sorry to hear that and hope your family won?t be affected :3
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This corona virus is on my mind all the time, I feel like I check the news every 30 minutes. It has reached the town I live in now, and I'm so scared if my aunt, parents or grandparents catch it.

I've also been really worried about this. It hasnt reached us ywet, but my mom gets sick very easily and I'm terrified about the possibility of her catching it.

I feel like my anxiety really wants me to get up and get stuff done, but my depression is keeping me just laying on my bed, binge watching yt and drawing. It's like no matter what I do I'm always disappointed in myself. I really do deserve to just lay here and do nothing but I can't do that, my anxiety is too bad. :(
Oh yes I'm fine with advice, it's anything about my acne that will make my rage skyrocket. I really shouldn't get so mad so quickly, I do have a temper, but if I wasn't at my job oooooh boy would she have got it. It is no strangers place to give un-wanted, un-asked for, no fact suppling advice like that. Celery cause medical benefits, then tells me to Google it. This isn't the first, and this won't be the last I'll get rude remarks (what happened to your face?) and *advice*.

As for work, I guess, I internalize it to much? Or just let the stress get to me much too easily. Like, I want to do a good job, but when everyone else starts to drag their feet it slows everything down. I was talkin to someone about this and he said I put myself and the others around me to too high of a standard, which is constantly why I'm disappointed (his word not mine) as to why they can't do their jobs. I honestly thought my standards aren't that high: do my job in a timely organized manner in the time allotted to me. For most of the time, I can do it. But recently with everyone else slacking more and more, everything falls on me at the end of the day, literally, as I'm the closer. I'm not allowed to stay past my shift time, so I usually have to leave right at store closing time.

My concern is that when I don't do closing, that I can't slack and leave everything to the closer. People in my department think closing is so boring and easy, when it's not. But they don't know any better, they never do closings. I'd hate to leave so much stuff to do for the closer, but others are allowed to slack and leave all the work to me? Not havin it. There have already been times that I wasn't able to wash all the sheet trays, or clean, or sweep, or whatever.

The ones I was briefly lookin at on VisionWorks' website were 100$ for a 30 pack of Daily use with the astigmatism. IDK the brand, the regular contacts were more affordable, but anything with astigmatism in the name got an INSTANT price hike. Also, I don't have insurance; everythin I pay for comes out of pocket. Costly, yes. I think all the major vision places are overpriced, so I'm going to go to a WalMart and see what they got there. I might end up having to get glasses, which I'd rather not to, but I may not have a choice.

For a little context, 400$ is what I usually drop at VisionWorks for the eye exam, frames, lenses, no coatings and sunglasses with prescription. This is technically part of their 'deal'. Frames can be 80 to 200, but the ones I get are 100ish since my frames are plastic, I can't handle wire frames, they'd break much too soon.

Anyway, thanks to both of you to responding to my RANTS, I need to do more research for contacts and stop letting this job get to me, along with not putting all my sanity in this job for a manager who can't see I am a good worker.

No problem. I know it's so hard to pick up other people slack and it's a thousand cans of unfair. They should be reprimanded not you, holy crap.