What's Bothering You?

Might ask my co-worker if I can buy that book because it's literally out of print everywhere.. sigh. Had a copy but it was water-damaged and smelled from being in the attic for like 10 years :(
My little cat, that had already such a hard start into her life just ran with full power into a corner (she got excited to see me)
that was behind her, she didn't see that.. she looked so much in pain and then I realised her nose was dripping blood.
Luckily it wasn't anything in her mouth (she is very sensitive there, also has no more teeth).. seems fine now but jesus christ,
what a shock. It looked so painful it made me feel like my nose hurts aswell. My poor little girl T-T
I'm about to smash my brother's surround system. I just wanna ****ing sleep!
i haven’t been to school in 2 weeks and the vp called my house today,, fun lmao
my university has given us a 2 week spring break & are considering moving all our courses online and shutting down the campus which will really SUCK because then i will literally lose my job and have no income
I have yet another headache and my stomach feels disgusting.
Oh, and my tuition for my college classes is due today...
I'm quite upset that my cory catfish named Express passed away today. It was really sudden, I've been watching him for the past week since I did a water change and he was doing completely fine and normal. He was shy during the day, and would have his zoomies up and down the tank at night. Today I got up to see his scales/scutes all frayed, he had red spotting/marks/cuts?? on his side and around/in his mouth, and he responded to me turning on the tank light with a twitch.

I just feel really awful. He was such a good little boy, I had him for over a year, and he was extremely gentle and kind to the other cory cats I had (who both sadly passed), and his tankmate, who'd grown up from a baby betta to a sweet little boy. I'm gonna miss him a lot, I wish I knew what did him in.
why is the fire alarm going off,,, please do not burn the building down at 12:50am
jake hasn't been staff for well over a year

Yeah, I miss jake lmao. When I came back in 2018 after my three year hiatus he was a moderator and now he’s basically a ghost. Oof


I guess the only thing that’s bothering me is how late I’m staying up recently, but what can you do. I’ve basically checked out for the rest of the week. ?\_(ツ)_/?
jake hasn't been staff for well over a year

He hasn’t even appeared on this forum since his retirement. I wish he can come back.

I’m glad TBT is gaining activity now, including from members that left the site a long time ago. But there are some members that will never return, even if ACNH comes out.
i have no idea who it was lmao but i just don?t understand why we got in trouble, though,, it?s an animal crossing forum so let us have f u n

Not that I agree with it, but I know posts that are too short fall under poor ?post quality??that was probably it
Not that I agree with it, but I know posts that are too short fall under poor “post quality”—that was probably it

yeah that was it, it just seems like a silly rule to have imo
My neighbor has school shooter vibes. Too much anger issues and gets triggered too easily. I mad him mad by offering his cat food because he’s been meowing since 10 am and it’s now almost might night. In his weird Eliot Rogers brain that was an attack on him and he creeped around my yard pretending to look for his cat lmao I literally saw you put him inside but okay. He’s now been reving his car engine for 1 hour. WEIRDO.
The rules of this thread states that you can talk about your own infraction or ban, but we ask that you still remain respectful about a moderator’s decision. If you have a problem with a warning or infraction, please use CTS to discuss it with us. On the subject of post quality, I’d like to point out that Forums are not the same thing as a general chat like a discord server or messaging app. We monitor such posts because replies like “lmao” or “yes/no” and short replies do not further a discussion in a meaningful manner and can easily be replaced by a “like” to agree with someone. However, we do have less enforced post quality rules in the basement.
crap weather, tired, should have done hw better.

oh well i gotta go tonight bc we're getting 2nd paper task aaand i gotta ask some stuff

ok we got the 2nd paper now and can i say how badly it was written lmfao rip getting an E at best here lolol
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Bro my neighbors cat is still meowing and it’s 7:40 am. That’s almost 24 hours of incessant meowing. I went out side a couple time and shook some food but he’s SO scared of people. Probably because of his abusive owner. I’ve been sTRESSED by this meowing. So has my cat. I don’t know what to do.. someone already called animal control but they couldn’t do anything because he belongs to the redneck next door. I might take one for the team and rescue him myself.