What's Bothering You?

Stressed about changes/potential setbacks with my program due to the corona virus situation.
Honestly tired of seeing people panicking over it. Only thing keeping me sane is people friended whom also are in healthcare settings that are equally annoyed by the hype/general public's hysteria. Thank you memes.
i haven't been one to worry really about the virus but i have my aunt's funeral this week and i'm really worried/stressed about going because of the outbreak, like logically i know i don't have it bc i have no symptoms and it's not hugely widespread in my country yet but it will just be a gathering of lots of older people and i'm paranoid for them
a g g r a v a t e d

i'm DONE with people treating me like trash. if you are going to overreact to THAT, then i have no choice but to leave. goodbye.
People in their coronavirus panic buying all of the baby wipes when they don't have babies because all the toolet paper was sold.

Like, I get it. You want your business to be clean. Know who else would appreciate a clean bottom? Babies. Babies who are more vulnerable to illness who now have to be out in public longer with their parents who are bouncing from store to store just trying to get a single pack of wipes.

But nah. It's cool. Not your kid, not your problem I guess.

i haven't been one to worry really about the virus but i have my aunt's funeral this week and i'm really worried/stressed about going because of the outbreak, like logically i know i don't have it bc i have no symptoms and it's not hugely widespread in my country yet but it will just be a gathering of lots of older people and i'm paranoid for them

I'd say don't get too close to them, even if it might feel weird and everyone should make sure to have proper hygiene and wash their hands if you take them in hand etc. Of course you might want to reconsider because of the older population. Maybe send your greeting and flowers if it make you feel better about not going etc.

Also I knew they ****ing go online with my uni.. in a way i just wanna drop out and re-take it at a later date but idk, i'll wait and see how it is when next class start
I'm not really bothered but more like being saddened by something. My heart sinks every time when someone says they hate their brother/sister. Being a big brother myself, I don't see why I'd hate my sibling. Being conflict is fine because that's normal, but hating? That's too much. I remember being in a summer camp years ago saying that this young child hated their brother. I replied to them saying that they shouldn't but they didn't seem care.
I love how my city has been going through health care cuts and health care professionals layouts right before this virus. Now they've announced that they have put a hold on layouts...
The fact that my parents won’t do anything about our awful WiFi, yet they’ll gladly pay obscene amounts for cable that only my dad watches
first world problems ik
I want to start a dubia roach colony for my gecko but, THEM WINGS.

I'm trying to get myself comfortable with the idea of handling/dealing with a massive adult roach(s) possibly flying around my room every now and then (mostly when i open their tub), but even still i know no matter how confident i feel once i see those wings flapping im gonna lose it.

Mealworms would probably be a better option but even those grow up to be flying beetles...
Puppy woke me up at 6am to go outside, now I want to go back to sleep but he wants to play uguhufgffhh
I got my Spraypaint to make my own Animal Crossing Joy Cons.. first of all, the paint has a really weird texture, but whatever.. the worse thing is, that I totally forgot about the topcoat that is super important and I don't have enough Spraypaint left.. and all the shops where I can buy it are closed. FML.
hope i can do my essay now feeling kinda meh bc this corona **** killing everyone mentally
My mother is having surgery on her neck tomorrow to remove a lump from her carotid artery. We already know she'll have to stay in the hospital post-op for at least 3 days, possibly 5. She's already packed her bags up. We had planned for both my husband & I to go with her tomorrow. We found out last night that due to the coronavirus the hospital is now only allowing one support person per surgery patient. Since I can't drive nor carry my mom's bags for her hospital stay my husband will have to go with her & I am forced to stay home. The surgery carries many risks because of where the lump is located. I wanted to be there to here the words "The surgery went smoothly." straight from the surgeon. Now - whatever happens - my husband will have to tell me. All I want is for the surgery to go well & my mom to recover 100% with no lasting ill effects.

EDIT: And now we just found out that the surgery was cancelled for tomorrow. Now it's scheduled for April 2nd. My mom is wrecked. She just wants this to be over and to feel better. D**N IT!
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^Damnnnn I'm so sorry ;; this corona **** should ****ing die already :(

also now they are forcing us online for next class.. what a ****ing awesome time to be alive..
Gotta love how we are supposed to stay inside for at least the next 14 days and no one here gives a **** about it. I literally see families using the fact that the kids don't have school and parents don't have to work to make a trip with their bikes / by feet. They don't even bother to have at least a securtiy distance between them and other groups, like wtf? People that can't accept ruley deserve to get the Virus, seriously. They don't do those rules as a joke, SO TAKE THEM SERIOUS SO WE CAN BE DONE WITH THIS ****.
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