What's something that's made you happy today?

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Nothing really makes me happy anymore. Most of the time people just upset me. Glad to see others are doing great though.
submitted my college application with my major as "music education"
hopefully everything works out
I’m still alive and not leaving TBT. Only reason to be happy today.
i saw cute fanart of one of my favorite characters that i hadnt seen before and it made me smile
Finding out from my dermatologist today that I don't have skin cancer and my skin bumps and hives are nothing serious. :) What a huge relief off my chest.
Realizing my countdown to not working for my company is now 8 more days. Going home knowing I don't have to worry about anything and playing ACNL....
Done with work for the day and chilling. Don’t have to worry about others’ needs.
I've completely finished my English for this year, so now I've got one less thing to worry about.
I also got to play ACNL with one of my friends in class today, as well spend some time with my boyfriend after school c:
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hugged my crush

it wasn't today but I'm still happy it happened

Not going to lie, at first I thought you said “hung my crush,” and I was like, “wh-what the heck is wrong with this person?!” 0_o... LOL, but then I saw it said “hugged”. That would be disturbing, even for me, lol.

I guess today I’m happy for several reasons. One of them being I am going to get senior status for the Fall, the other being I can return to Aikido practice tonight after not having been since last Friday because of Memorial Day
7 more days of this hell hole!

Getting a call from a Sheraton Hotel for an interview right after I move in and right after Philly Pride!
Ok this is gonna sound really dumb and cheesy,, lol.
After my boyfriend and I brushed our teeth last night, (we were up till 3am playing video games together) he held my hand as we walked back to our room, and idk it was just really cute and made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. ;;;v;;;

It's the simple things that make me happiest.
Finally getting some important stuff done today including dental-related stuff and university-related stuff.
got santa chrom on FEH freaking finally. only got one but heck my rng luck im more than happy.
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