What's something that's made you happy today?

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Got a clear and concise reply email reply about a package I've been expecting for a while due to delays from the shutdown. Really hoping to receive it before before I move, but I'm mostly just glad it's being worked on.
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I finished Sabrina today. Now ready to start another show. I always am happy when I finish a show cause I have a lot on my list to watch
going to the library and reading interesting things! :)
Putting movies and books on hold. I finally have a library card again to do that. I’m excited to catch up on movies I’m behind on
Seeing posts about chocolates already haha. Came across this lovely brand when viewing them; Le Petite Prince. The tins are so beautiful and I would like to use them as decoration one day. Not quite sure if they ship overseas however; definitely something to figure out for later.
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That my throat feels almost better. I hope it stays that way. My antibiotics r almost gone and my fear is it getting bad again. I just am happy I felt almost better today but not there yet and last day on antibiotics is tomorrow
In love. :blush:
We've been having internet issues for several days. I suggested to my husband that he should try resetting the router. He actually listened and did it today. Now we're able to watch anime on Crunchroll again! Yay!
Might be getting another doll head soon. :)
It is from an auction site so I suppose time will tell!
my past two days have been really good and a new album from one of my favorite artist's came out today so i have hope today will be really good too !
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