What's something you forgot was an NL feature?


Ancient Member
Jul 30, 2006
Cosmic Radioactive Orbiting Spectral #20
Blue Hybrid Pansy
Cyan Heart Balloon
Night Sky Scenery
Space Whale Plush
Blue Feather
I forgot about main street and also forgot about the mini games. Honestly, I had fun with NL, but it's kind of a blur playing it so long ago (my DS wasn't even updated to the amiibo update!). When I logged on for this event, I had a lot to re-learn.

What about you? What was something you forgot about?
I forgot just how little storage space there is (especially pre-Welcome Amiibo update).. Idk how I managed

I also completely forgot that flowers can wilt if you don't have the Beautiful Town Ordinance, and that digging up a shrub just removes it from existence!
I forgot you could sit on rocks. Why they never allowed us to sit on rocks now, I have no idea.
And that for Cyrus to custom your item, you need to wait a i wanna say half an hour, before its finished, and I kinda miss that. It' lets you go off for a bit and do something else; though I always forgot to pick it up before they closed XD
i forgot that villagers will sometimes just arrive at your house for no reason. a couple of minutes ago while i was redecorating, snake pulled up, gave me a froggy chair and then left after two minutes. he didn't even want to see the other rooms lol
I had forgotten how the villager visits (visiting the player's home or the villager's home) will make you choose a time for later. The wait is a really long time sometimes! I much prefer when the visits are instant then I don't need to remember a set time. Even when they barge in on me at home I prefer that over setting a time for later.
and that digging up a shrub just removes it from existence!
Yes I had forgotten about this as well . I remembered when I accidentally dug up a shrub when trying to dig up a fossil.

I also forgot you could just pick up flowers without a shovel.
i forgot about sitting on rocks LMAO i accidentally sat on one the other day and i was like... wut lol
i forgot about sitting on rocks LMAO i accidentally sat on one the other day and i was like... wut lol
Can't believe they then removed that from ACNH.

I forgot about all the small features that got added with Welcome Amiibo. That update came way too late in the time frame for me to enjoy it properly.