What's The Highest Amount of BTB That You've had Before?


Kick ass.
Jun 1, 2015
Green Christmas Stocking
Matryoshka Doll
Tin Robot
Festive Bell
Tin Robot
Red Balloon
Father's Day Carnation
Chocolate Cake
Mine was around 850 BTB before, but that was around the time when I was new here and didn't know how to spend the bells. :p what about you guys?
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My highest amount I received from another person was 60 BTB.. :p
My highest is the amount I have now (showing). xP
I would have at least a thousand more but I've spent it all on Pokemon, villagers and ACNL items. xD Worth it though, ain't even mad.
Like 17000

If I hadn't used btb for games before it wouldn've been a lot more
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I cant really remember... 7500 maybe?
I'd have more if I didn't kep buying stuff lol
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I had 30k-32k before selling digital games wasn't allowed; otherwise 20k-ish from selling my Pinwheel : ) These were two separate times.
1,200 but then again someone gave it to me c:
The amount I have now.

I was thinking about how much more I would have if I had never spent any, and it would be a pretty good amount. But btb doesn't really matter to me so I'm fine with what I have.
what I have now ^.^ lol
I wish I had more though bc I'd buy art from soooo many people!
I had just over 1k before I changed my name. I'm not sure if that was the highest, though.
I had 100K at one point then bought a bunch of digital download games a while back when it wasn't against the rules.
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The amount I have right now (which is not showing hehe), 212. I think so anyway. My memory can be a little fuzzy :p

Idk, like 12.

I smell something fishy here...
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