it is a very well written book and it's really painful to read, sometimes to points i feel like i shouldn't have read it or i needed to stop. it really grips and resonates hard for someone like me who also went through abuse as a child from my mom and grandparents. it's quite interesting to see someone you grew up watching tell their story as if you're their friend, and they're trusting you with this information.
i don't want to say it's a "good story" because it makes it sound like im rating a fantasy novel, i just think that Jennette doesnt a really great job encapsulating and writing her emotions. the chapters can be really short sometimes and the smaller chapters still contribute to the theme of the book, they're usually just one-off conversations or something she remembered.
a lot of the book, in fact a grand majority of it, she talks about struggling with an ED so PLEASE keep that in mind before reading and try not to go in with a place of judgement, or it'll sour the whole book. if you struggle with an ED i'd recommend skipping this as well because again, it's a big part of the story, and she details what she did/went through to stay ana/bul down to the specifics of what she ate and her binging habits. i've never struggled with ED but my sister has and seeing it from the outside is painful enough, i can't imagine reliving the pain through reading the book so please turn it away until you're in a safer headspace to read it.