What's the point of collectibles?

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Senior Member
Apr 13, 2015
Happy Home Designer Token
Red Candy
I already know their obvious purpose which is just to collect them, I'm assuming--but I don't get why people would spend 1k-5k tbt just for a picture that doesn't serve a useful purpose

I'm not saying I'm against collectibles or anything, I've actually been buying some myself..although the ones I buy are rather cheap (under 100 tbt). I just don't get why people would spend over 1k for it when they can just spend it on something that actually has a useful value
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Most people just like how they look, and I guess there's a certain rush to saving up and buying that elusive little pixel blob that you've been wanting for ages and that you know is highly sought-after on the site. ACNL is a game that naturally appeals to collectors and completionists, so it stands to reason that the concept of collectibles would excite people who are fans of the game.

I guess they also show your site experience and involvement in a way, since there are certain collectibles that are only given out during events and such. Having a little token to remember the event by is pretty cool for some people. :)
I think it's because sometimes they're limited edition. Or because they just want to have something worth collecting. BTW, from ur sig, I love Clannad aswell ^__^
I understand the appeal of having them; they're cute and they're a nice way to add individuality to your posts and such. I'd never pay the amount of tbt that some people do for them, but I guess I can understand it
i remember i felt that way when i first joined. then i saw a countdown on the front page signifying the next restock. all down hill from there
Like loads of other things, they're just fun to collect. I also find it very rewarding to get a collectible I've been looking for for a while.
Thanks for asking this. :) I was going to ask the same thing, because I much rather have things in the actual game, or spend bells on villagers I can talk to.

This answer by Oblivia does give them some meaning that I can understand:

"I guess they also show your site experience and involvement in a way, since there are certain collectibles that are only given out during events and such. Having a little token to remember the event by is pretty cool for some people."

But besides that I feel it is prestige.
i remember i felt that way when i first joined. then i saw a countdown on the front page signifying the next restock. all down hill from there

Welp I'm responsible for this.

I'm so sorry.
Yeah man, I don't really get it either - they're just useless little blobs on the si-- There's an APPLE RESTOCK TOMORROW? Okay, 4pm EST. Gonna set a reminder. Cancel my plans. Sell my dreamies for TBT and get those apples.

I won't really go THAT far but yeah now I'm finding myself hyped up for things like these too
nothing, they are useless things that people brag about and sell for hundreds of bells...
Collectibles show that you are vain and insecure. They decorate your sidebar to make up for whatever you lack in terms of character because that's what should really define people both on this website and in the real world. The people who buy collectibles to sell them are not site contributors, but just parasites looking to make free TBT. I find that the people without collectibles are much nicer on this site and the people with an entire lineup of collectibles are snobs who like to excessively brag about them. After seeing the ugliness with the apple restock, I think I'm going to ban anyone who has collectibles from my future giveaways because there are many more people on this site who deserve stuff much more and actually focus on the game and social interaction which comes along with it rather than decorating their profile and trying to be a show-off. The whole collectibles thing brings out the worst in people here including me, and that's why I now see them as a badge of dishonor. I really hope collectible shaming becomes a thing because many more people do not have them than do have them due to their limited nature.
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That's a really sad way of looking at this. I think that most people in the end realizes that all the collectibles are exactly what they look like. Just pictures. And therefore, if you don't get your hands on an apple or whatever, you can just laugh about it and be happy for those who did get it. At least that's what I do.

And I really hope that there are very few people who think that I'm a snob and a show off for collecting. I simply do it because I enjoy it, just like I collect stuff in Animal Crossing because I enjoy it.
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That's a really sad way of looking at this. I think that most people in the end realizes that all the collectibles are exactly what they look like. Just pictures. And therefore, if you don't get your hands on an apple or whatever, you can just laugh about it and be happy for those who did get it. That's at least what I do!

And I really hope that there are very few people who think that I'm a snob and a show off for collecting. I simply do it because I enjoy it, just like I collect stuff in Animal Crossing because I enjoy it.

They are just pictures. That is why I don't have a lot of respect for people who do have them. You can't just casually collect them. You have to obsess over them to get them. You have to be there at the exact second of the restock and click buttons as fast as you can to get one. Either that or you have to pay someone 1,500 - 2,000% of the shop price to get one which is ridiculous. People who have apple collectibles are like people who line up at a store hours before it opens so that they can rush in and buy stuff before everyone else can. So I cannot feel happy for them when I think about how shallow and superficial they are for going through all the effort to get that picture.
I think collectibles make the site a bit more unique and it does liven things up a bit, but I don't collect them for show-off purposes; I collect them simply because I enjoy collecting them. I see these...pixels as part of my history on TBT (I've been here for almost two years now) but I don't want to obsess over them. There are still good people on here who do have collectibles; not everyone here who has them is a snob.

Just sharing my two cents.
Red Cat: If you could just "casually collect them", then what's the point? I think that you're overthinking this way too much. Yes. Some people uses these restocks as a chance to earn TBT. It sucks, yes. I agree with this. But saying that all people with collectibles are snobs and show offs... Why would you even judge people based on something like that?! Judge people for who they ARE, not for what they have/or don't have displayed in their "sidebar". Isn't that your whole point? Because if you're judging people for what they DO have, that would make you a hypocrite.
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I think collectibles make the site a bit more unique and it does liven things up a bit, but I don't collect them for show-off purposes; I collect them simply because I enjoy collecting them. I see these...pixels as part of my history on TBT (I've been here for almost two years now) but I don't want to obsess over them. There are still good people on here who do have collectibles; not everyone here who has them is a snob.

Just sharing my two cents.

I don't have a problem with pixels in someone's sidebar. I think it would be wonderful if everyone could buy the pictures they want to decorate their profile with. That is not what we have. Instead we have a finite collectible system (which is totally unnecessary because they are just little pixels which can be infinite in nature) which pits members of the community against each other. One person having a collectible necessarily means that someone else is denied from having it. Furthermore, collectibles are not even a measure of any contribution or achievement on this site. All you have to do is have a small amount of TBT and be lucky enough to be at the right place at the right time. It would be better if the apple or other rare collectibles cost a lot of TBT from the shop so that you actually had to post a lot or sell a lot of stuff to people to get it, but that isn't the case either. The current system for collectibles makes absolutely zero sense for any reason. I can't think of a word other than narcissistic to describe the current system. There was also a thread here about TBT accepting donations and having rewards for people who donate to TBT. Are we really going to have kids beg their parents for money so they can get rewards on this site? If that happens, the mods will have officially sold their souls and ruined the entire concept of this site as if collectibles weren't bad enough for it already.
Collectibles show that you are vain and insecure. They decorate your sidebar to make up for whatever you lack in terms of character because that's what should really define people both on this website and in the real world. The people who buy collectibles to sell them are not site contributors, but just parasites looking to make free TBT. I find that the people without collectibles are much nicer on this site and the people with an entire lineup of collectibles are snobs who like to excessively brag about them. After seeing the ugliness with the apple restock, I think I'm going to ban anyone who has collectibles from my future giveaways because there are many more people on this site who deserve stuff much more and actually focus on the game and social interaction which comes along with it rather than decorating their profile and trying to be a show-off. The whole collectibles thing brings out the worst in people here including me, and that's why I now see them as a badge of dishonor. I really hope collectible shaming becomes a thing because many more people do not have them than do have them due to their limited nature.

I see no issue with buying them, but bragging about them is stupid.
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