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What's the worst camp experience you've ever had?


im back baybe
Jan 20, 2016
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okay so last summer I went to this "leadership" camp that was in the a forest in the middle of nowhere (in California, no less, it was like 98 F every day) and i was on my period (which was the worst thing ever since there were no bathrooms, only porta-potties and tp-strewn bushes, and we didnt even sleep in tents). The showers spewed green water, and there was a family of drowned rats in the pool, which we were forced to "dip" in every morning right after we woke up at 5:30. Every day, we would hike uphill for 5-7 hours and then write essays in the burning sun for the next 3 and then stand for 2 hours straight while we did flag-lowering ceremonies and camp songs. And half the nights, they "surprised" us by getting us to take a 5 mile hike at 11:30pm so that they could get to a special clearing and do some dumb skit that was a mash-up of, like, star wars and greek mythology. Which was also 2 hours long. Se we'd sleep at 2 a.m (and wake up at 5). We had to sleep side by side in sleeping bags with nothing but spider-infested trees over our heads and potato bugs and giant ants to keep us company. We always had to wear our "uniforms" (heavy t-shirt, long khaki pants, bandana, beret, rope around waist) which was especially hell because it was too hot to even be bikini weather. The one pair of sweaty khaki pants I had to wear for a week will haunt me for life. And, because California was (and still is) in a drought, there was dust everywhere that got everywhere. As in, when I took a shower when I finally got home, it took me three shampoos and two body scrubs to get all of it out. Oh, and there were a few rattlesnakes too. I had the pleasure of getting the mustard on my sandwich spread by the same knife that had been used to decapitate one of them. And one of the highlights of the whole thing was leaving the ziploc of sandwich meats on the table for 2 minutes and coming back to find that a hoard of yellow jackets had made themselves at home in it.

It was probably the worst week of my life. Don't get me wrong, I love the outdoors and roughing it, but this was just too much. The only thing that kept me going after I was ready to give up on day 2 were the really nice people in my group (and the cafeteria lady who snuck my group a gallon of ice water, bless her heart). And honestly, it would have been 50x better if I wasn't spewing blood and convulsing from cramps the whole time.
I've always hated the outdoors and doing outdoor activities so I just went to day camp at a recreation center. I loved it. I've never actually known anyone that went to a sleep away camp.
I only ever really went on one school camping trip with the rest of the kids in my grade and other kids from other schools. It was pretty fun and a nice time, but the worst part was probably that there were a bunch of dead birds and fish on the beach when a group of us went to check it out.
My older sister did't have a good experience ,This a true story i swear to god ( ghost are really )~Here how it starts my neighbor that we knew for a very long time ask if My family /uncle & aunt to come camping .Me and bother was very happy to go ,When we got there it was really nice,we got settle down and explore the woods ect .It was around Dinner time and some how the subject of ghost came in ( we start to tell ghost story ) In Singapore there a very famous call the white lady( there lot of different version of her ~They said if you say her name 3 times she will come visit you and hunt you For calling her ..U you see my mom told us when we where youg to never disrespect or make fun of her .In my mind i all was told my self that she can't cross the pacific ocean as its a big sea of water .my sister was joking about her and that she will not get her and its just a story.on that night my sister could not sleep so she told my mom she will sleep in the car ( that day was cold and it had a wired eerie feeling i did't sleep as well and my sister said it was really cold in the van and that she was scrry some one watching her .my mom wanted to check on my sister and in the tree she saw the white lady she was close to the van ...then my mom told my aunt ( she saw her too ) The next morning the ghost was gone and they never saw again ( but it was all so wired beaus not only that my mom saw her ) she said that some how it was trying to tell her some thing (she call Singapore and turn out that my grandfather was dieing from cancer ;*(

NOTE;FUNNY my Mom told me and her mother told her you should never look up a tall tree at night (Singapore like forest so when its night time i never look up )
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Never went to camp. I was never an outdoorsy or sporty person. Your stories are great though!
i've never been camping before, so i don't have any stories to tell. the ones you've been telling are pretty interesting, though.
All of my camp experiences were really good so I don't have any bad stories, oops
Is it possible to have a good camping experience? =P Seriously, heat, bugs... Terrible.

I remember one time we went camping out nearby my sister's college. There were stickers everywhere. There were also flies everywhere. Ugh. But that wasn't the worst thing... We got lucky. My parents set the tent up, but for some reason we just decided to sleep in the van. When we woke up in the morning the tent had been blown into a tree. LOL. It was blown pretty far away, right next to a lake. o.o
Never been camping. I've never been an outdoorsy person..
I had a camping trip with some friends, we all slept in the same tent and when we woke up it was raining hard af so the support of the tent broke and rain managed to get in and soak me along with my belongings, never went camping since then ://
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I've never been camping, but I'm assuming it's nothing like the ones you see in the movies.
Although I never actually went camping, I go to this summer camp every year and one day I got into an argument with some kit and he spit in my eye.
That's probably the worst thing that's happened to me though, besides that the camp is pretty good.
i've always had a severe phobia of snakes. so when i was in second grade, the camp counselors decided to pay a pro snake handler to drop by and let us hold some snakes. i was clearly freaking out when i saw him open the cages, so i ran into the tent to hide. the staff didn't know why i ran off and thought i was just being a rebel or w/e, so they told the snake guy to check in on me and get me out of the tent. this ****er had like three snakes on him when he came into the tent, so i was hysterical. ended up passing out and had to join a different camp group for the day