What's up (or down) with streetpassing?

Well, when you think about it, it also depends if the person has the same game as you and streetpass activated. I know a couple that deactivated the streetpass feature for streetpass plaza only to activate another game that no one in my place ever plays. He gets 1 or 2 every now and then. But it is a rarely played game here.
I was seriously bummed out when I went to the DC Zelda Symphony concert. In the past few game concerts I went to (Pokemon x2, Zelda x1) I was able to get 90+ at least. But this time I got around 29 max, which seriously bummed me out. StreetPassing is easily my favorite part of the 3DS and I hope it carries over into whatever replaces it (Switch??) but I just don't know. :/

What do you mean?

Yeah, the latest hit-Mii's keep following me even after I'm done with all the games, shutting down the SPMP and console itself and they don't line up in the 5/6 rows as they should when done.